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why do businesses need finance?
buy equipment (increase)
buy raw materials
obtain premises (expand)
extra workers
what are the two types of expenditure? + explain what it is and what they are - include examples
expenditure = spendings
capital expenditure is spending on items that may be used over and over again. Ex. machinery and vehicles
revenue expenditure is spending on goods and services that have already been consumed or will soon be consumed. Ex. maintenance and repair
what is owner’s capital?
it’s the money provided and generated by the owners of the business
it’s an example of internal finance
(most) businesses cannot start without the owners providing capital from their own personal resources (risk aspect)
not just needed for the start up stage
what is retained profit?
profit after tax that’s put back into the business and not returned to the owners
single most important source of finance for a business - a lot of businesses funding comes from retained profit
cheapest source of finance with no financial charges like interest and administration
however, there is an opportunity cost where it retained profit cannot be returned to the owners - less money for lifestyle, less dividends for shareholders in ltds, dividend payments frozen and cause conflict cause owners want to retain money into the business in plcs
flexible source of finance and doesn’t need to be used immediately, it can be collected gradually - if it’s retained in a bank account it will earn interest
disadvantage - no profit = no finance to retain into the business
what is sale of assets? + examples
option 1. a business might be able to sell unwanted assets to raise finance. Ex. machinery, land and buildings
advantage = can reduce debts
option 2. a sale and leaseback agreement is where a business sells an asset that the business still needs to a specialist company that leases the asset back to the seller
advantage = instant cash
the responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the asset passes to the new owner
disadvantages of internal finance x4
limited - may not be stable (sufficiently profitable) to use retained profit or not have unwanted assets to sell OR owners might not have any personal resources to contribute
internal sources of finance cannot be subtracted from business profit to reduce tax owed - so if external finance is used then the interest paid on a loan or leasing charges for assets can be treated as a business cost and subtracted from business profits to reduce tax owed
inflexible compared to external sources of finance - there is a larger variety of funding options for external financing that can give business flexibility and stability
opportunity costs could be high - retained profits for funding have to consider the reaction of shareholders since dividends might be cut short or be frozen. Causes conflicts since some shareholders may demand dividends now
advantages of internal finance x4
capital (money used to build, run or grow a business) is available immediately since there is no delay between identifying a need for finance and obtaining it. Unlike external sources, retained profit will be in a bank account ready to be used
assets can be sold quickly if the price is competitive
internal finance is cheap - no interest payments which means costs will be lower and profit higher
no administration costs
business not subject to credit checks unlike external finance, external finance often requires investigations into the credit history of the borrowers
no need for third parties