James Madison
________ created a comprehensive version of the plan that served as the main draft of the Constitution.
three-branch system of government
judicial, executive, and legislative
the legislative branch would be bicameral
smaller states wanted equal representation
equal number of votes for each state regardless of population
larger states wanted more representation
states with a larger population would receive more votes proportional to the population
states were expected to return fugitives to states where they had committed crimes and runaway slaves to states that they had fled
Virginia Plan
proposed three-branch system of government, bicameral legislature, and made the national government supreme over the states which became blueprint for the Constitution
New Jersey Plan
proposed system of government in which states would retain sovereignty
Great Compromise
compromise between Virginia and New Jersey Plan
House of Representatives
house of Congress which would award seats based on population of state
house of Congress which would receive two senators from each state regardless of the state's size
Three - Fifths Compromise
agreement to count only three of every five slaves to determine representation in the House
Electoral College
compromise for choosing Chief Executive in which each state had same number electors as representatives in Congress, and the people would vote for the electors
enumerated powers
powers that are listed out
supremacy clause
makes certain that all states must adhere to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
list of rights that guaranteed basic liberties
law covering intelligence gathering and sharing by executive branch agencies, points of criminal procedure, and border protection. allowed govt agencies to share significant info on suspects especially phone taps (allows invasion of privacy)
reserved powers
powers given to the states