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In which city does the play take place?
Who are the families that are fighting?
The Montagues and the Capulets
Why are the Montagues and the Capulets fighting?
An ancient grudge
What does the prologue say is the only thing that will end their parents' rage?
That 1 child from each family would fall in love but tragically die together
What is the purpose of the prologue?
To hook the reader
What type of poem is the prologue?
A sonnet
What does Shakespeare do to highlight important parts in the plot?
He writes it as a sonnet
What is the exposition of Romeo and Juliet?
Prologue and Act 1
Who started the fight in Act 1 Scene 1?
Sampson, a Capulet
Who is Sampson?
A servant of Capulet
Who is Romeo?
Son of Montague
Who is Benvolio?
Romeo’s friend and nephew of Montague
Who is Balthasar?
Servant of Montague
Who is Abram?
Servant of Montague
Who is Juliet?
Daughter of Capulet
Who is Tybalt?
Nephew of Lady Capulet, a great but violent swordsman
Who is Peter?
Juliet's nurse’s servant
Who is Gregory?
The Capulets servant
Who is Prince Escalus?
Ruler of Verona
Who is Mercutio?
Friend of Romeo, and relative of the Prince. He is a bit wild, funny, and a bit paranoid.
What is a Friar?
A Franciscan priest
Who is Count Paris?
A young nobleman who is related to the Prince
What is the rising Action?
Act 2
What is the resolution?
Act 5
What warning does the Prince give the street fighters?
If they fight again, the head of the families will be killed
Why is the Prince's warning to the street fighters so effective and important?
It stops all the underlings from fighting, and it shows how much power the prince has.
Where is Romeo during the first fight?
He was in the forest depressed about Rosaline.
What makes Romeo so upset in the being of the story?
The lady he loves does not love him back
Who is Romeo in love with first?
Does Lord Capulet want Juliet to marry at her age?
Who changes Lord Capulets mind about Juliet getting married and how?
Paris changes his mind by saying others marry so young and are happy.
What does Capulet ask his servant to do in the first act that he can not?
He must invite people to a party from a list, but he can't read.
How does Romeo find out party and what fact interests him in particular?
He helps a servant read the party list and learns Rosaline would be there
What does Romeo decide to do after he helps the servant?
He decides to go to the party
What is the Nurses relation to Juliet?
The nurse raised Juliet
How old is Juliet?
13 but will turn 14 in two weeks or so.
What does lady Capulet tell Juliet in the first act?
That Paris wants Juliet's hand in marriage.
How does Juliet react to the news that Paris intended a to marry her?
She is shocked and says marriage didn't cross her mind
What is the nurses reaction to Juliet getting married?
She is giddy
Who is in the streets before the party?
Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio, and their friends
What are Romeos and his friends doing in the street?
they are on their way to the party
What happened in Mercutio's story?
He describes Queen Mab the fairy who brings dreams or nightmares to people
How are Mercutio and Benvolio foils of Romeo?
Romeo is sensitive like Benvolio but also crazy like Mercutio
What does Romeo say he fears on his way to the party?
That something bad will happen that will lead to his early death
What are the people at the party doing?
Talking and dancing
Who is the first person to recognize Romeo at the party and how do they react?
Tybalt, who wants to fight him
How does Capulet react to Romeo at the party?
He tells Tybalt not to fight with Romeo because Romeo is said to be a nice person
How does Shakespeare emphasize the inciting incident?
It's a sonnet
What is the inciting incident?
Romeo and Juliet’s kiss at the party
What is the purpose of the chorus and what is special about it?
It foreshadowing and it is a sonnet
How does Benvolio describe Romeos love?
Blind, and that he is also blinded with love
What happens at the balcony scene?
Romeo spies on Juliet then they talk, Romeo proposes, and they make a plan to get married
What do Romeo and Juliet proclaim to each other during the balcony scene?
Their love for each other
What do Romeo and Juliet plan to do after the balcony scene?
They plan to meet with the friar to get married
Where is Romeo planning to go after the balcony scene?
To his priest to plan their marriage
What fault does the Friar see in Romeo?
He falls in love too quickly
What is Romeos biggest character flaw?
He is fickle
What line that the priest say that foreshadows the future?
"Within the infant rind of the weak flower/ poison hath residence and medicine power “
What did Tybalt say to Romeo in the letter he sent?
He challenged him to a duel
Why are Mercutio and Benvolio upset with Romeo?
He ditched them
Why did the nurse come for Romeo?
Juliet sent her like Romeo planned
What part does the nurse play in Romeo and Juliet's scheme?
What is Romeos and Juliet's plan for marrying?
Juliet would go to the friar for confession but instead meet Romeo to get married
Why is Juliet upset in the the beginning of act 2 scene 5?
It has been 3 hours and the nurse hasn't come back yet with the news yet
Why did Shakespeare draw out the nurse giving Juliet her news?
To build suspense
What does the Nurse have for Juliet?
The plan for her and Romeos wedding
What advice does the Friar have for Romeo?
To let the relationship progress more slowly
What does Romeo ask Juliet to do at their wedding?
To tell the Friar that she loves him just as much as he loves her
How does Juliet describe her love for Romeo to the Friar?
That it is vast that she cannot describe it
Why did the Friar decide to marry Romeo and Juliet?
To stop the fighting between their families
How does the weather characterize the tone of the Mercutio Tybalt fight?
The heat shows that things are going to be intense
What causes the sword fight between Mercutio and Tybalt?
Mercutio stood up for Romeo when Tybalt was beating him up
Why does Romeo fight Tybalt?
Tybalt killed Mercutio
How is Mercutio killed?
He is stabbed by Tybalt
Why does Romeo mean by calling himself "fortunes fool"?
His fortune is so up and down its like his fate is mocking him or using him as a plaything
What is Benvolio used as a lot?
A character who summarizes what has happened in confusing scenes
What is the climax?
Romeos kills Tybalt
Who was the first killed?
Who is the second killed?
What is Romeos punishment, why?
He is exiled because he fought when he was told not to
Why wouldn't the Prince show Romeos mercy?
because he went against the prince's orders and killed
What do we know that Juliet doesn't know after the climax? What irony is being used?
That Romeo killed Tybalt, dramatic irony
What news does the Nurse bring Juliet after her wedding?
That Romeo killed Tybalt and has been exiled because of it
What is Juliet's reaction to the Nurse brings after her wedding?
She insults him for killing tybalt before learning he is exiled and then breaks down crying
Who does the Nurse blame Juliet's unhappiness on?
Why did Juliet turn against the Nurse?
The Nurse talked badly about Romeo
When Juliet comprehends what happened, why does she fix in the word "Banished"?
She thinks it's an unreasonable punishment, she would rather he was dead than banished
What did the Nurse do when Juliet freaks out about never consummating their marriage?
She goes and gets Romeo
What is Romeos reaction to his punishment?
He flips out and says that death would be better than banishment
Why is the Friar angry with Romeos reaction to his punishment?
he is overreacting and not using his resources
What does banishment mean to Romeo?
It means that he can't see Juliet
How is Romeo a madman?
He prefers death to banishment and is inconsolable about it but won't listen to anyone
What news does the Nurse bring to Romeo after Romeo gets his punishment?
Juliet is freaking out and greiving
What does the Friar tell Romeo after Romeo threatens suicide?
He basically said you've had all the luck and your being a big baby so suck it up and go to Juliet, then go to Mantua and come back when things cool down
Where does Romeo go after he learns his punishment?
With Juliet, then to Mantua
What do we know that the Capulets, Montagues, and Paris are ignorant of?
That Romeo and Juliet are married
What news does Lord Capulet have for Juliet?
That Paris and her will get married on Thursday
Why must Romeo leave Juliet?
If he is found he will be killed
How is fortune/date characterized? Why?
Fickle, because it changes frequently
What does Lady Capulet is the reason for Juliet's ill feelings, what is the true reason?
Tybalts death, Romeo leaving