The Market Revolution shaped the way most Americans act, live their lives, and think about work in the first half of the 19th century.
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What was the Era of Good Feelings?
The Era of Good Feelings was a period in the US with only one political party in existence.
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What economic shift did the Market Revolution bring about?
The Market Revolution shifted people away from producing goods independently on farms and towards producing goods for sale to others.
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What enabled the economic shift of the Market Revolution?
New technology in transportation and communication, such as better roads, rivers, steamboats, railroads, and telegraphs, enabled the economic shift.
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What organizational innovation was introduced in the Industrial Economy?
The factory was an organizational innovation that gathered workers together in one place and split up tasks among them.
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What were some of the economic features enabled by new banking systems?
New banking systems allowed for massive upfront capital investments in new economic features such as roads, canals, railroads, and telegraphs.
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What was the impact of Limited Liability Corporations on investors?
Limited liability corporations enabled investors to finance business ventures without being personally responsible for losses.
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What intellectual response did workers have to the growing disparity in wealth?
To protect their interests, workers formed political organizations (Working Man's Parties) and eventually morphed into unions.
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What was the Transcendentalist movement's goal during the Market Revolution?
The Transcendentalists sought to redefine freedom in a changing world and argued that freedom resides in an individual's power to remake oneself.
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What was Bartleby The Scrivener's commentary on?
Bartleby The Scrivener is a commentary on the market revolution, based on Melville's personal experience as a worker in the customs house in New York.
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What does Bartleby's reaction to the market economy show?
Bartleby's reaction to the market economy is both comic and tragic, showing the consequences of the market revolution beyond its famous people and inventions