Endel Tulving - subdividing declarative memory HM- removal of hippocampus caused anterograde amnesia Korsakoff's syndrome - vitamin B-1 deficiency
Declarative memory
Memory for facts, events, and autobiographical knowledge that can be consciously recalled
Declarative memory brain area
Endel Tulving
proposed that declarative memory can be sub-divided into episodic and semantic memory systems
Episodic Memory
Memory for personal experiences tied to daily life
Semantic Memory
Memory for general knowledge and facts about the world and oneself
Non-declarative memory
Memory for skills and procedures that are expressed through performance rather than conscious recollection
Procedural Memory
Memory for the learning and performance of motor and cognitive skills
Change in the ability to identify a stimulus due to prior exposure to that stimulus or a related one
Repetition priming
prior exposure to a word in a lexical decision task will make that word easier to respond to next time it is encountered (e.g encountered pillow therefore faster response to pillow)
Associative/semantic priming
the facilitation of a faster response to a target due to prior exposure to a stimulus that is related in meaning (e.g heard ‘lolly’ therefore respond faster to ‘candy’)
Classical Conditioning
Learning to associate a neutral stimulus with a meaningful one, leading to a learned response
Operant Conditioning
Learning to associate a behavior with a reward or punishment, influencing the likelihood of that behavior being repeated
Learning to ignore a stimulus because it is deemed trivial or irrelevant
Learning to pay attention to a potentially threatening stimulus
Retrograde Amnesia
Inability to recall information acquired before a brain injury; often temporarily graded
Anterograde Amnesia
Inability to form new memories or recall information after a brain injury
Henry Molaison, a patient with severe amnesia resulting from brain surgery that removed parts of his temporal lobes, including the hippocampi
HM Post Surgery
Severe anterograde amnesia - impaired ability to learn new semantic facts
Hippocampal role in consolidation of declarative memories
Hippocampus is crucial for retrieval of consolidated episodic memories, but not for semantic memories
Learning in amnesia
Anterograde amnesiacs are capable of learning new procedural learning (motor skills)
Learning in amnesia mirror task
improvement even though they don't remember doing the task, demonstrates procedural learning can proceed independently of the brain systems required for declarative memories
Preserved non-declarative memory in anterograde amnesia
CC and OC, priming effects, normal habituation and sensitisation
The process of stabilizing a memory trace after initial acquisition; crucial for the formation of long-term memories
Dissociation of Memory
The phenomenon where different types of memory are affected differently by brain damage or trauma, leading to selective deficits
Korsakoff's Syndrome
A memory disorder caused by severe deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B-1), often linked to chronic alcoholism
Electroconvulsive therapy, a psychiatric treatment involving the induction of seizures in patients