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What are the Pinnipedes?
Contain 3 families
Odobenidae (walrus)
Otariidae (eared seals)
Phocidae (true seals)
Feed offshore and give birth on land
What are the characteristics of Odobenidae (walrus)?
Both sexes have tusks
Skulls are specialised for feeding on clams and other benthic invertebrates
What are the characteristics of Otariidae (eared seals)?
Distinguished from true seals by a flap of skin called the pinna near the ear opening
Large foreflippers for propulsion
Hind flippers used on land to walk - more agile than true seals on land
What are the characteristics of Phocidae (true seals)?
Use hind flippers for swimming
Main muscle mass is at rear
Not agile on land
Produce click vocalisations → potential echolocation
What is the social organisation of elephant seals like?
Highly polygynous (harem - male has many females) - example of resource defence
No paternal care after mating
Bloody fights on mating beaches to assume dominant position
Alpha male may inseminate up to 100 females per season
Subdominant males hang round harems and intercept females as they return to the sea
What are the characteristics of the order Sirenia?
Manatees and dugongs
Warm, tropical waters
Only marine mammals to feed primarily on plants
Stomachs not compartmentalised - long intestines and large mid-gut caecum for cellulose digestion instead
Expend little energy due to poor quality diet → move slowly
Constant replacement of teeth allows feeding on plants containing abrasive silica
What are the suborders of the order Cetartiodactyla?
Whales and dolphins
Mysticeti - baleen whales
Odonticeti - toothed whales
(Alongside artiodactyls - i.e. pigs, ruminants etc. - but these are not marine)
What are the characteristics of Mysticeti (baleen whales)?
Largest whales (blue whale largest mammal)
Paired nostrils separate all the way through to a double blowhole
Baleen plates (series of horny plates) instead of teeth to filter feed
Thickness and number of plates related to prey type
What are the characteristics of Odontoceti (toothed whales)?
Jaws extend as beak-like snout
Forehead rises in rounded curve called the melon
Possess single nostril with single blowhole
Little light underwater and sound travels well (better than in air) so they echolocate
How do toothed whales physically produce echolocation clicks?
Sound produced by ‘monkey lips’ (dorsal bursa complex) in nasal passages
Melon focuses sound at forehead
Returning sounds channelled through oil-filled sinuses in lower jaw to the inner ear
Inner ear isolated from skull by bubbly foam to reduce interference from other resonances