Number of people / Land area
Arithmetic density's formula.
Total population / Total arable land area
Physiological density's formula.
Rapid growth
Slow growth
Zero growth
Negative growth
Crude Birth Rate
Total number of births in a year.
Crude Death Rate
Total number of deaths in a year.
Education; Labour force participation among females
Impacts of CBR on the society.
Rate of natural increase's calculation; Population age structure's effect
Impacts of CDR on the society.
Stage 1
High stationary.
Stage 2
Early expanding.
Stage 3
Late expanding.
Stage 4
Low stationary.
Stage 5
Money transfers to the mother; Baby bonuses; Tax credits
Examples of pronatal policies.
One-child policy
Example of antenatal policies.
Difficult patterns of work
Economic effect of having an ageing population.
Disease and disability
Social effect of having an ageing population.
Voting majority for the interests of the erderly
Political effect of having an ageing population.
Forced migration
People have to leave their living because of threats from naturals disasters or man-made causes (war, diseases,...)
Voluntary migration
People choose to leave their homes.
Someone who has been given asylum in a new country.
Internally displaced person
Someone who is trying to move to another places inside their country.