Unit 5: Period 5: 1844-1877

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Credit Mobilier Affair

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Credit Mobilier Affair

A joint-stock company organized in 1863 and reorganized in 1867 to build the Union Pacific Railroad + gov officials accused of getting bribes.

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Signed an agreement with the British to divide Oregon territory at the 49th parallel.

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Fugitive Slave Law

Used to track down runaway enslaved people who had escaped to northern states + return them to the South.

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Union General William Tecumseh

Captured of the city of Savannah, Georgia.

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New England Emigrant Company

Sent abolitionist and free soiler settlers to Kansas.

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Webster Ashburton Treaty

The settled border between US and Canada in regard to Maine.

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Claimed that "slavery can not exist without slave codes, "territory should just not pass legislation favorable to slaves.

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Trent affair

2 confederacy diplomates bound for GB taken by the union.

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Aroostook War

Conflict between lumber workers on the Maine- Candian boundary.

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Clayton Bulwer Treaty

US and Britain should jointly control and protect the canal soon to be built across the isthmus of Panama.

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Popular Sovereignty

Lewis cass proposed that slavery matter be determined by a vote of the people who settled on the territory.

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President Abraham Lincoln

Delivered a speech to dedicate the cemetery where Union soldiers killed at the Battle of Gettysburg were buried.

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John Brown

Staunch abolitionist that was convicted and hanged.

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Republican Ulysses S Grant

Won against Democrat Horatio Seymour in a landslide victory.

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Gasden Purchase

President Pierce succeeded in adding a strip of ling to American Southwest for a railroad for $ 10 million.

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Hostility to these immigrants → sporadic rioting.

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Union General Ulysses S Grant

Launched a long campaign to capture the city + Grant besieged Vicksburg, cutting off its supply lines and bombarding it with artillery.

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Aroostook War

Conflict between lumber workers on the Maine-Candian boundary

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Onstead Manifesto

A declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers, stating that the U.S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S

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Walker Expedition

Organized unauthorized military expeditions into Mexico and Central America to est

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Free-soil movement

Northern Democrates + Whigs supported the Wilmot Proviso and the position that all African American should be excluded from the Mexican session (whites only)

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Popular Sovereignty

Lewis cass proposed that slavery matter be determined by a vote of the people who settled on the territory

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Fugitive Slave Law

Used to track down runaway enslaved people who had escaped to northern state + return them to the South

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Trent affair

2 confederacy diplomates bound for GB taken by the union

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Manifest Destiny

US had the divine mission to extend its power and civilization across North America

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico recognized the Rio Grande as the border of Texas The US took possession of California + New Mexico for $15 million

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Kansas Nebraska Act

Contradicted Missouri Compromise

Popular sovereignty instead in Kansas (free) and Nebraska  (slavery)

President Pierce supported

Underestimated opposition in North

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Bleeding Kansas

Proslavery border ruffians poured into Kansas and illegally voted

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Dred Scott v. Sandford

Supreme Court claimed Congress had no authority over slavery

Intensified tensions + further split Democrats sectionally

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Election of Lincoln

Led to the secession of many southern states

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Crittenden Compromise

Radical plan to gradually end slavery

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North characteristics

Against slavery, industrial, railroads, more militia, offensive war

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South characteristics

For slavery, agricultural, less militia, defensive war

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anaconda plan

Use U.S. Navy to blockade Southern Ports + cutting off essential supplies from reaching the Confederacy

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Gettysburg address

Added the moral concept to go against slavery in the war

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Freedmen’s Bureau

Congress created the Bureau for Refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands as an early welfare agency (greatest success in education)

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10 percent plan

10 percent of a states voters would have to plead loyalty to the union

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15th amendment

prohibited any state from denying or abridging a citizen’s right to vote on the account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude (1870 ratification)

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Labor system in which landowners provided land, tools, and supplies to tenant farmers in exchange for a share of the crop they produced.

Common in the South when many African Americans were unable to find work or land of their own

Kept tenant farmers in a cycle of debt and poverty, as landowners charged high-interest rates and manipulated the system to keep their laborers in a state of dependence

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Compromise of 1877

Gave the presidency to Rep Rutherford B. Hayes

Removal of federal troops from the South ending Reconstruction and allowing for the rise of Jim Crow laws

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