-Bloodstain drop(s) created or formed by the force of gravity acting alone
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Drip Pattern
-A bloodstain which results from blood dripping into blood -Very stationary
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Flow Pattern
-A change in the shape and direction of a bloodstain due to influence of gravity or the movement of the object
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-A bloodstain pattern created when a source of blood remains stationary over a surface causing an accumulation of blood
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-A blood stain pattern created when a volume of blood has been absorbed by an object
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Transfer/Contact Pattern
-A bloodstain pattern created when a wet, bloody surface comes in contact with a second surface. A recognizable image of all or a portion of the original surface may be observed in the pattern
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Swipe Pattern
-The transfer of blood from a moving surface onto an unstained surface. Direction of travel may be determined by the feathered edge
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Wipe Pattern
-A bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing and/or altering its appearance
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Arterial Spurt
-Bloodstain pattern(s) resulting from blood exiting the body under pressure from a breached artery
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Cast-Off Pattern
-A bloodstain created when blood is released or thrown from a blood-bearing object
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Expirated Blood
-Blood that is blown out of the nose, mouth, or a wound as a result of air pressure and/or blood flow -Always has bubbles
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Low Velocity Impact Spatter(LVIS)
-A bloodstain pattern that is caused by a low velocity impact/force to a blood source -Still has spiking and satellites
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Medium Velocity Impact Spatter(MVIS)
-A bloodstain pattern caused by a medium impact/force to a blood source -Typically from a beating
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High Velocity Impact Spatter(HVIS)
-A bloodstain pattern caused by a high velocity impact/force to a blood source -Often produced by a gunshot or high speed machinery
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-An absence of a stain in an otherwise continued bloodstain pattern -Indicates that a person or object was in the way of the blood spatter and was later moved
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Skeletonized Stain
-A bloodstain consisting of a darkened peripheral rim where the center of the stain is no longer intact