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Code of Ethics
A CFP® Professional must
act with integrity, competence, diligence
act in clients best interest
exercise due care
avoid or disclose & manage conflicts of interest
act in a manner that positively reflects on the financial planning profession
Financial Advice
a recommendation that the client can take or refrain from taking a particular course of action
tell the truth even when its not in our best interest
relevant knowledge and skill to apply that knowledge
if not competent they must
gain competence
get assistance of a competent professional
limit or eliminate the engagement
refer to the client to a competent professional
respond in a timely manner, usually 24 business hours
Disclose & Manage conflicts of interest
When conflict arises CFP Professional must:
disclose the conflict
obtain the clients informed consent
manage conflict in clients favor
Disclosure may be orally or written
if orally, must document
CFP board suggest written
Standards of Conflict
duties owed to clients
fin planning and application of the practice standards for fin planning process
practice standards for fin planning process
duties owed to firms and subordinates
duties owed to CFP board
Sound & Objective Judgement
may NOT accept gift, gratuity, entertainment, non-cash
Confidentiality and Privacy
keep client info. confidential except:
for ordinary business purposes
for legal & enforcement purposes
DO NOT use any public info. about a client for personal benefit
DO take responsible steps to protect the security of non-public personal info.
Borrowing or Lending Money
may not directly or indirectly borrow money from or lend to a client unless:
they are family member
lender is a business org.
What is Not Financial Advice?
marketing materials
general financial education
general financial communication
No Client Agreement to Engage for planning
if professional gives advise and client doesn’t agree you must:
NOT enter into engagement
limit scope of engagement
provide the requested services after education the client the benefits of financial planning
terminate agreement
Duties Owed to CFP board
conduct includes
felony or relevant misdemeanor conviction
fraud, theft, misrepresentation of other dishonest conduct
personal or business bankruptcy
fed tax lien (possess property until obligations are met) on property owned by CFP® Professional
non-fed tax lien, judgement lien, or civil judgement
written notice with 30 calendar days
only report 2nd DUI
Forms of Sanction
Private Censure (criticize)
Public Censure
Suspension (temporary removal of marks after final decision)
Interim Suspension (temporary suspension while investigation is still going)
Fitness Standards
Always Bar
conduct unacceptable
Presumptive Bar
renders applicant currently ineligible
Other Adverse Conduct
requires a petition for fitness