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What causes an underdeveloped film?
Inadequate developing time
Developer solution cold
Timer not working
Depleted solutions
What causes an overdeveloped film?
Excessive development time
Developing solution too hot
Timer not working
Developer solution concentrated
What causes reticulation of emulsion?
Sudden temperature change between developer and water bath
What causes developer spots?
Developer touches film before processing
What causes fixer spots?
Fixer comes in contact with film before processing.
What causes yellow-brown stains?
Exhausted developer or fixer
Not sitting in fixing solution long enough
Did not rinse well enough
What are the 3 errors correlated to time and temperature?
Underdeveloped film
Overdeveloped film
Reticulation of emulsion
What are 3 types of chemical contamination?
Developer spots
Fixer spots
Yellow-brown stains
What are the 8 types of film handling errors?
Developer cut-off
Fixer cut-off
Overlapped films
Air bubbles
Fingernail artifact
Fingerprint artifact
Static electricity
Scratched film
What causes developer cut-off?
Low level of developer
What causes fixer cut-off?
Low level of fixer
What causes overlapped films?
Two films touching during developing.
What causes air bubbles in film?
Air trapped on film before going through processing solutions.
What causes fingernail artifact?
Scratched by operators nails.
What causes the fingerprint artifact?
Fluoride or developer on fingers when processing.
What causes static electricity error?
Film packets opened quickly and shows black lines
What causes scratched film?
Emulsion removed by sharp object as white lines.
What are the 2 types of lighting errors for film?
Light leak
Fogged film
What causes light leak?
Accidental exposure to light
What causes fogged film?
Improper safelight use
Light leaks in darkroom
Outdated film
Improper film storage
Contaminated solutions