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Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Self- actualization
Self esteem
love and belonging
physiological (basic needs)
Mental Health presentation
Kylie Smith, Big theme : Depression
5 characteristics of self actualized person
Accept themselves and others for what they are
Unusual sense of humor
Highly creative
Peak experiences
Need for privacy
strong moral/ethical standards (Lincoln, Einstein, Jane Adams)
Growth and development Presentation
Tatum Walker , big theme : prevention methods
How much sperm is produced in a single ejactulation ?
250-300 million sperm
gerontology Presentation
Avery miller , Big theme : Social implications of gerontology
Social implications
changes in employment and workforce demographics
increased demand for living arrangements
shifts intergenerational relationships
higher demand for medical equipment
Prevention methods for Gerontology
spreading awareness against ageism
encourage more individuals to pursue a career within gerontology
create programs that teach family members to care for their elders properly and effectively
What is the fastest growing age group globally?
Individuals over 80 years old
Sexually Transmitted Infections presentation
Janet Wilson
What month is STI awareness
Discharge, in females can lead to ectopic pregnancy, can be treated
in NYC 1 in 4+ people have herpes simplex virus
bacterial can be cured, and viral can be treated but remain in the body
HPV, Human Papillomavirus
genital warts, very common
is a virus, has 100 forms of the disease out there
can lead to sexual organ cancer
looks like a cauliflower, protruding
burning feeling when urinating
bacterial, usually affects the mucous membrane ‘
White/yellow/green discharge
Herpes Simplex Virus
Blister or sore, has 2 types
treatments are meds to reduce symptoms
transmitted from infected female to male
HSV2 is more common in women
cause day skin to skin contact
not part of the common STI test
small ulcers called chancres
bacterial, first treatment discovered was penicillin
can damage nervous system/ other organs
Caused by parasite in STI that causes infection
Men are carriers and asymptomatic
Woman have symptoms of odor, color, inflammation , froth
Treated by medicine to kill parasite that is single cell
Public Lice
Caused by small insects
severe itching
medications in the form of shampoo
can come in contact from clothing, bedding or towels
Hepatitis B
5 main viruses - A, B, C, D, E
most people are asymptomatic
can lead to liver damage
transmitted by sexual fluids and bodily fluids (blood)
HIV and IV drug use presentation
by Riley Bazemore
aids = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
attacks the body immune system
spread through blood, sexual fluids, sperm/breast milk
10% of global development of IV drug use
“prep” medication can be taken for prevention
Communicable Disease presentation
by Mac tufts
Communicable disease
spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include contact of blood, bodily fluids, breathing in airborne virus, or being bitten by an insect
Prevention for communicable diseases
frequent hand washing
quarantine and isolation
Global Health presentation
by Jed Gonzales , big theme : pandemics
continuously spreading disease within a country
an epidemic that is crossed more than one continent
Black Death
most fatal pandemic
characterized by vomiting and diarrhea
unsanitary conditions
spread by blood and bodily fluids
high death rate
symptoms and death rate 2-21 days
Spanish Flu
H1N1 variant of influenza
Covid -19
communicable through the majority of the fluids in the body
no real effective treatment
Prevention methods of Pandemics
quarantine (social distancing)
Vaccination ( Pfizer shows 95% effectiveness)
safety standard regulation ( puts responsibility to governing bodies).
Growth and development
woman have a set number of eggs and usually release one per month
Female menstrual cycle
normally lasts 28 days ( normal range 25-36 days)
day 14 usually when overages release an egg (ovulation) , which is when pregnancy has its highest chance of occurring
day 12-16 are peak time for pregnancy
shedding of the lining of the uterus (endometrium)
starts at puberty (menarche) and stops permanently at menopause
How long is the window for an egg to be fertilized
12 hours
fraternal twins
if more than one egg is released during fertilization by separate sperm (non-identical)
identical twins
if one egg is released and fertilized by one sperm, then the eggs slips into two
A child receives 23 chromosomes from its mother and 23 from its father
The science of aging
3 main determinants of aging
physical activity
toxins (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, environment, ect.)
Additional determinate of aging
free radicals
Abraham Lincoln’s sentence
He preserved the union and freed the slaves
How long has HiV/AIDS been around?
early 1900s but evidence suggests possible earlier
Where did HIV/AIDS come from
chimpanzee in west africa
stigma origin for HIV/AIDS
originally it was called GRID (gay related immunodeficiency) early cases in 70s-80s showed in white gay men but later in hemophiliacs (through blood transfusions), woman’s, and all other races began thus change to AIDS
early cases in AIDs showed up in what
rare cancer called Kaposi Sarcoma
How does HIV work
HIV attacks T-cells (CD4) and weakens our immune system nd thus its ability to fight off infection
What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
When your CD4 count reaches below 200 per micro-liter of blood, you now are categorized as having AIDS instead of HIV. (HIV treatment starts around 350 and a healthy person has around 800-1200 CD4 cells per micro-liter of blood).
What was is HIV transmitted
sexual fluids
mother to baby
dirty needles
HIV & Pregnancy
with medications to lower the viral load to undetectable HIV positive woman have a 98%+ success rate at delivering HIV negative babies
U.S. statistics of HIV
-Just under 2.2 million US cases since 1981 (approximately 600,000 have died)
-1.2 million living with it today (estimated that 13% do not know they have the virus)
-Around 32,000 new cases each year
-Men having sex with men account for nearly 70% of all New HIV infections
Prevention for HIV (ABC)
global HIV
40 million worldwide are living with the virus, 25 million have died as a result of the virus
Disease causing organism
strep throat
smallest pathogen
athletes foot
any organism, such as an insect, that transmits pathogens
Barriers to keep pathogens out
mucous membrane
stomach acid
Three ways communicable disease are spread
direct - person to person
indirect - person to object to person
airborne - through the air
West nile (virus)
spread by vector (mosquito)
symptoms 3-14 day period after being bit
3-15% death rate
SARS (virus)
spread by droplets (direct, indirect, airborne 3-5 ft away
symptoms 2-10 days after contact
death rate 9-12% affects people over 65 years old
Diphtheria (bacteria)
effects the mucous membrane in the throat
spread by droplets in the air
contaminated personal or household items
fatality rate 5-20%