UNIT 7 (Period 3 1815-1914 Part 2)

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Charles Darwin and Social Darwinism

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Charles Darwin and Social Darwinism

Charles Darwin

  • On the Origins of Species , 1859- natural selection, survival of the fittest. Plants and animals forms developed from earlier life forms

  • Descent of Man, 1871

Social Darwinism

  • Herbert Spencer

  • the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better

  • used to justify imperialism, racism, and militarism

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Albert Einsten

  • proposed theory of relativity

    • time and space are relative to the observer

    • e= mc2

    • each particle of matter is equal to the mass times the square of the velocity of light - lead to atomic bomb

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Other scientists

  • Nietzche - believed that conflict and struggle lead to societal progress. Christianity stood in the way of progress, held society back

  • Louis Pasteur - germ theory and pasteurization

  • Robert Koch - identified bacteria that cause tuberculosis

  • Joseph Lister - sterile surgery and medical procedures

  • Sigmund Freud - developed psychoanalysis

  • Auguste Comte - originator of positivism (claims careful study of facts and personal experience is the only way to find the truth and a better future)

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Fabian Society

  • well known group of British intellectuals

  • Founded by Sidney and Beatrice Webb

  • Wanted socialist policies brought by the legislative process (liberal socialism)

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Labor Unions

  • workers unions will win the right to strike in 1870s

  • Strikes for working conditions, hours, safey, health conditions

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Labour Party

  • focus was to bring democratic socialism without revolution

  • Political Agenda

    • set minimum wage

    • workmens compensation act

    • national insurance act

    • old age pension to all over 70

    • aid to dependent children and the elderly

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Emmeline Pankhurst and Feminism

  • feminists will use public and violent means to bring attention to bring attention to women’s suffrage

    • smashing windows

    • arson

    • chaining themselves to gates of Parliament

    • hunger strikes (were forces feed in mental hospitals)

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Representation of People Act 1918

  • Ending of WWI

  • Women over 30 got the right to vote

  • All men gained suffrage (property qualifications were eliminated)

  • Reform Act of 1928

    • women over 21 gained the right to vote

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a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force

Brought on by

  • industrialization - need for natural resources, new markets for manufactured goods

  • nationalism

  • racism - social Darwinism and “White Man’s Burden”

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“White Man’s Burden”

  • Poem by Rudyard Kipling

  • Painted imperialism and conquering of indigenous peoples as heroic and sanitarium because it brought those people

    • Christianity

    • true civilization

    • proper living

    • education

    • freed from a “wild” state of living

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Daily and Gender roles in the 19th Century

  • new sources of power (electricity, oil, internal combustion engine)

  • telephone

  • automobiles

  • department stores, catalogs, theaters, cafes

  • governments promoted compulsory public education

  • women were living longer and gained right to vote in 1918

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Characteristics of the Third Republic

Governmental system established after the fall of Napoleon III in the Franco Prussian War

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Dreyfus Affair

  • Military documents were found in a wastebasket that showed there was a traitor in the French military. Captain Alfred Dreyfus was suspected. He was tried, convicted of treason, and sent to an island.

  • Dreyfus was innocent. French Army officers wanted to blame the Jew and pinned crime on him.

  • Real culprit was Major Esterhazy. When French lieutenant George Picquart came with evidence he was demoted and transferred to North America.

Author Emile Zola investigate Affair and wrote about it. Government prosecuted him for libel

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Zionism/ Zionist Movement

  • Theodor Herzel argued for the return to homeland for Jews.

    • many Jews started returning to Palestine

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Peoples Bill (People’s Budget By David Lloyd George)

Argued it would Eliminate property. War budget. Raising money to wage implacable ware fare against poverty

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Impressionist and Post Impressionist Art


  • attempt to catch a momentary glimpse of nature. common everyday life

  • Claude Monet. Gare St. Lazare, 1877

Post- Impressionism

  • influences by psychology, abstract, interpretation of reality

  • Vincent van Gogh, The Starry night, 1889

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Fashoda Crisis

French colonial troops backed down in this 1898 diplomatic crisis caused by British - French competition over African territory

  • French backed down (gained political favors) allowing the British to take over

  • solidified alliances against the German in case of was (WWI)

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Berlin Conference

  • Major European powers meet in Berlin to discuss how Africa will be colonized by the European powers without war

  • set off the “scramble for Africa”

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Belgian Congo

People of Congo were forced to labor ivory and rubber. Half of Congolese population died from punishment and malnutrition. Many suffered from disease and torture

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Boer War

Conflict in 1888-1902 in which British troops drafted rebellious Afrikaners leading to the consolidation of South African Territories

  • British bruned crops and villages, Forced Afrikaners into concentration camps

  • war ended with British victory

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Hyper Nationalism

extreme nationalism, the belief in the superiority of one’s nations and of the paramount importance of advancing it

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The Panama Canal Scandal 1892

  • President of the French Company - Ferdinand de Lesseps

  • Government officials took bribes from the company to withhold news from the public that it was in serious economic debt and project was failing.

  • One billion francs affecting 800,00 investors

  • two German Jews were also involved and they received the most press coverage

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  • embraced exposing the true nature of the world

  • focus on common people, everyday life and its harshness

  • Writers: Leo Tolstoy and Charles Dickens

  • Honore Daumier, The Third Class Carriage, 1863

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Isms of the 19th century

  • conservatism - Metternich

  • liberalism - Jeremy Bentham, John Staurt Mill, Anti Corn Law League

  • Radicalism: the beliefs or actions of people who advocate thorough or complete political or social reform (The Charitsts, Karl Marx)

  • Nationalism: belief that a nation was a organic body, a sort of body of individuals with a common culture, language and mindset

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  • visual, literary, and musical movement of the first half of the of the 19th century

  • embraced nationalism, dangers of science, reason , revolution

  • emotion over reason

  • passion, emotion, reaching ones unique individual human potential

Fransico de Goya, Tred de Mayo, 1810

JMW Turner, Slave Ship and Rain Steam and Speed

Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830

  • Ludwig Van Beethoven

  • Mary Shelley - Frankenstein

  • Sir Walter Scott

  • The Brothers Grimm - Nationalism

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Revolutions of 1830

French Revolution of 1830

  • rebellion by liberals and revolutionaries against the French monarchy. The country had grown displeased with Charles X, who limited freedom of the press and concentrated power in the crown. Within three days in July, the capital fell to the revolutionaries, who wanted to establish a republic. However, the upper bourgeoisie succeeded in placing Louis-Philippe in the monarchy, and despite some reforms, the public continued to grow discontented with the monarchy.

Belgian Revolution of 1830

  • Cultural differences and nationalism

  • Leopold I became King

Revolutions left much unfinished, working class was unsatisfied and lead to the 1848 Revolutions

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Quadruple Alliance

Britian, Austria, Russia, Prussia

  • committed to preserving conservative monarchies through out Europe

  • Lead by Metternich and Austria

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Carlsbad Decrees

  • issued in German states

    • student associations were made illegal

    • books and newspapers censored

    • university professors were watched closely by “curators” to ensure liberal ideas were not being taught

    • secret police units formed

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1820 Revolts in Italy

Revolts against the rulers of Piedmont Sardinia and the king of Naples. Metternich and Austria with help of BARP COE sent trips into Italy and brutally out down the revolts

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1822 Revolts in Spain

Revolts against the bourbon king Ferdinand VI

  • people wanted representative government and king censored books

  • With permission of BARP COE france sent tropa into Spain to end the revolts

  • France joined the quadruple alliance

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Decembrist Revolt in Russia

Decembrist wanted a constitutional monarchy and new Tsar Nicholas ruthlessly suppresses the Decembrists

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Revolutions of 1848

All revolutions based in nationalism and liberalism. Every revolution in 1848 will fail and result in conservative backlash. Metternich will fall from power in Austria BARP COE slowly die.

  • revolutions allow for the rise of Italy and Germany, as a nation states. unification

  • Industrialization, population growth, isms will be the tensions of the revolutions of 1848.

<p>All revolutions based in nationalism and liberalism. Every revolution in 1848 will fail and result in conservative backlash. Metternich will fall from power in Austria BARP COE slowly die.</p><ul><li><p>revolutions allow for the rise of Italy and Germany, as a nation states.  unification</p></li><li><p>Industrialization, population growth, isms will be the tensions of the revolutions of 1848.</p></li></ul>
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Napoleon III

  • will modernize Paris (Haussmann managed project)

  • main goal was to bring back France’s international glory that was experienced under Napoleon I

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Crimean War

Russia vs Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, France, Austria, Piedmont- Sardinia

Russia stated purpose: protect Orthodox Christians in Ottoman Empire

Strategic Purpose: Gain a warm water route through the Black Sea, Take Constantinople

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Outcome of Crimean War

  • Treaty of Paris 1856

  • Russia lost and was not allowed to deploy ships on the Black Seas

  • Russia was weakened

  • Ottoman Empire was recognized as legitimate power

  • Was funeral of the Concert of Europe

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Florence Nightingale

  • Crimean war was first to establish women as army nurses

  • writes a nursing manual in 1859

  • established organization standards for army hospitals and hygiene for soldiers

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Tsar Alexander II

  • absolutist/despotic ruler

  • Emancipation Edict 1861 - Serfs freed, did not own land

  • Zemstvos - created local governments through elected assemblies of representatives

  • Nihlilism was an intellectural movement. Formed a secrect society “ The People’s Will” desired to overthrow the government. Will Assassinate the Tsar by throwing a bomb at his carriage in 1881

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The Compromise of 1867: The Dual Monarchy of Austria- Hungary

  • Austria and Hungary became independent, but had common Habsburg ruler (satisfied Hasburg Magyars)

    • separate legislative bodies, laws, taxes

    • common military and foreign policy

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  • The abandoned idealism in favor of pragmatic and tough-minded use of shrewd and secretive diplomacy and military force. (politics based on practical objectives rather than on ideals)

    • Napoleon III , Bismarc, Cavour

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Italian Nationalist Leaders

Giuseppi Mazzini: Liberal/radical, wrote about unification and nationalism. Wanted to see Italy united under a democratic republic with universial male suffrage

Giuseppi Garibaldi: Military Leader, exiled to South America after earlier attempts to unite. Desires to see Italy under a republic

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Pope Pius IX

  • Controlled Rome and Papal States

  • Had support of Napoleon III and Austria

  • Wrote about the evils of liberalism, republics, democracy, and materialism

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Count Camillio Cavour

  • Prime Minister of Piedmon Sardinia

  • brains behind Italian Unification

  • Will engage in a long and calculated plan that involved secret negotiations and alliances with potential enemies to achieve his goals of Italian Unification under Victor Emmanuel II

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Steps to Italian Unification

  1. Carbonari Insurrections 1820-1821: Secret Liberal Society. Put ideas of Italian unity on the minds of the Italians

  2. Piedmont- Sardinia Sends Troops to the Crimea

  3. Cavour and Napoleon III secretly meet at Plombieres, 1858: Cavour seeks repayment of favor of supporting France in Crimean War, he offeres Savoy and Nice as payment for Frances support

  4. Austro - Sardinian War: Napoleon double crosses Cavour and strikes a treaty with Austria that prevents Cavor from Taking Venetia

  5. Austro-Prussian War

  6. Garibaldi and His Red Shirts Unite With Cavour - Garibaldi easily takes Sicily and Southern Italy

  7. France Troops Leave Rome, 1870

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Right Leg in the Boot at Last

Garibaldi helping Victor Emmanuel put on Italian boot

<p>Garibaldi helping Victor Emmanuel put on Italian boot</p>
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Chancellor Otto von Bismarck

  • Prime minister/ chancellor of Prussian parliament

  • junker

  • conservative

  • realpolitik

  • Mastermind behind German Unification under Prussian dominance

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Steps to German Unification

  1. The Danish “Schleswig War” - Bismarck will send Prussia to war with Denmark to take Schleswig

  2. Austro - Prussian War 1866 - Prussia will take Austria out of Holstein and annex Schleswig and Holstein

  3. Creation of the North German Confederation, 1867 - Bismarck could not convince southern german states to join

  4. The Ems Dispatch Bismarck Gets His War - Bismarck published a “doctored” telegram from Wilhelm to French ambassador.. Made it seem Kaiser insulted the ambassador. Bismarck released it to the press. Napoleon declared was on Prussia in 1870

  5. Franco- Prussian War - Bismarck used German nationalism against France to get Southen German states to join NGC in the war

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Treaty of Frankfurt

  • End of Franco - Prussian War

    • France paid a huge war debt and was occupied by German troops until it was paid

    • France ceded Alsace- Lorraine to Germany

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Bismarck’s Kulturkampf (Anti-Catholic Program)

  • Bismarck saw Catholicism as a threat to nation unity

    • took education out of hands of clergy

    • Jesuits were expelled from Germany

    • education of Catholic priests would be under supervision of the German gov

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Social Programs Under Bismarck

  • 1889 Old Age Workers Pension

  • 1884 Workers Accident Insurance

  • 1883 Compensation for Ill workers

  • Anti- Socialist Laws - banned socialist parties/publications/newspapers

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The Dual Alliance 1879

  • Between Germany and Austria (Bismarck created it)

    • he feared Russia’s size and population

    • both countries would aid the other in case of war with Russia

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The Triple Alliance 1882

  • Italy joined Germany and Austria in an alliance

    • Italy angered over French activity in North America where Italy was trying to develop an imperialist presence

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“Dropping the Pilot” 1890

  • Kaiser Wilhelmm II fires Bismarck

<ul><li><p>Kaiser Wilhelmm II fires Bismarck</p></li></ul>
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Pablo Picasso Demoiselles d’ Avignon

  • African art was stolen and brought to Europe. It inspired Pablo Picasso

  • Painting shows women of a brothel

  • two women wear African inspired masks

(imperialism effected paintings by showing exploitation of African people)

<ul><li><p>African art was stolen and brought to Europe. It inspired Pablo Picasso</p></li><li><p>Painting shows women of a brothel</p></li><li><p>two women wear African inspired masks</p></li></ul><p></p><p>(imperialism effected paintings by showing exploitation of African people)</p>
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Paul Gauguin, Barbarian Tales, 1903

  • Post Impressionism

  • Gauguin left France for Tahiti

  • Shows two Tahitian women - half nude, concerned, trusting

  • European, fully dressed, claws on toes, painted with extreme ugliness

Intended to be viewed by Europeans

<ul><li><p>Post Impressionism</p></li><li><p>Gauguin left France for Tahiti</p></li><li><p>Shows two Tahitian women - half nude, concerned, trusting</p></li><li><p>European, fully dressed, claws on toes, painted with extreme ugliness</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Intended to be viewed by Europeans</p>
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Concert of Europe

A system of international relations established in 1815 to maintain the balance of power in Europe and prevent future wars. It involved regular meetings among the major European powers and was successful in preventing major conflicts until the outbreak of World War I.

  • Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, and, later, France—after the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.

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Zulu Resistance

  • Shaka Zulu will conquer and unite many people of southern Africa (taught them to fight)

  • will fight fircely with the British and Boers

  • will eventually be conquered in 1879

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Cecil Rhodes

  • Prime Minister of Cape Colony

  • Controlled the Diamond Industry

  • Desired creating a Cape-to-Cairo connection for Britain in Africa

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