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Causes of Loss Forms
Four causes of Loss Forms:
Earthquake (only used with one of the above)
Indirect Loss
A second or financial loss occurring as the result of a direct loss.
Time Element
Time Element Coverage:
Covers actual loss of business income sustained during the period of restoration due to suspension of operations, as a result of a direct physical loss caused by a covered loss.
Optional Coverage
Agreed Value
Inflation Guard
Replacement Cost
Extension of Replacement Cost to Personal Property of Others
Extra Expense
The necessary expenses incurred by the insured during the 'period of restoration'that would not have been incurred had the covered loss not occurred.
Policy Period
Specifies that coverage applies only to a loss or losses that occur during the policy period stipulated on the Declaration Page of the policy.
Electronic Data
Includes information, facts, computer programs, and the cost to replace or restore such information.
Pays up to $2,500 aggregate in any one policy year for the cost to replace or restore electronic data that has been destroyed or corrupted by a covered cause of loss.
Inflation Guard
The limit of insurance for property subject to this additional coverage automatically increases by the annual percentage shown in the Declarations.
This percentage of increase is applied to the policy at the rate of 1/365 of each year.
Extra Expense Coverage Form
Time Element Coverage: Covers additional expenses that are incurred during the period of restoration, which the insured would not have incurred if there had been no direct physical loss (such as relocation expenses and costs to equip a temporary location).
Common Policy Conditions
Examination of Your Books and Records
Inspections and Surveys
Mortgage Holder
Policy will pay to each mortgage holder shown in the Declarations its share of a covered loss or damage, in order of precedence, as its interests may appear.
Condominium Association Form
Used in place of the Building and Personal Property Coverage Form when insuring buildings and fixtures that are a part of the building insured by a condominium association.
Includes coverage for building items such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and other appliances, owned by the Association.
Common Policy Declarations Page
Shows the Who, What, When, Where, and how much that applies to the insurance provided by the policy.
It defines each of the coverage parts included on the policy.