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What does this image suggest abut the roles of women in Aztec society?

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What does this image suggest abut the roles of women in Aztec society?

Everywhere women participated in civilization even if patriarchy distinguished between roles for women and men frequently defined women's contributions as less prestigious or important than those of men.

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Why are the centuries of the Song Dynasty in China sometimes referred to as a "golden age"?

Culturally, the Song Dynasty was a "golden age" of arts and literature setting standards of excellence in poetry, landscape painting, and ceramics.

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What does this map suggest about China's relationship with the nomadic peoples to the north?

They both needed each other to live in civilizations.

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In what ways did the Song dynasty establish an enduring state structures.

Six major ministries were chosen by the Densorate, and agency that exercised surveillance over the rest of the government, checking on the character and competence of public affairs.

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What evidences of class differences can you identify in this image?

The people that have money to buy products, and the people who sell products to make money.

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In what ways did women's lives change during the Song dynasty?

Urban workshops run by men, increasingly took over the skilled tasks of weaving textiles, especially silk, which women continued to tend silkworms and spin silk thread, they had lost the more lucrative income-generating work of weaving silk fabrics.

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How does the practice of Chinese foot binding demonstrate the tightening of patriarchy in the song dynasty?

It's the male desire to control female sexuality.

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Evaluate the similarities and differences in the influence China had in Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. In what ways was that influence resisted?

Vietnam retained distinctive identities, which have lasted into the modern times. While resisting Chinese political domination, they also appreciated and adopted elements of Chinese culture and sought the source of Chinese wealth and power.

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Describe where the Chinese placed themselves in the relationship developed though the tribute system with other state. What was the role of tribute in Chinese relations with outside powers?

The 18th century Korean painting depicts a diplomatic mission to Qing China. Such tribute missions offered for the Korean delegation to see something of China.

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What cultural changes occurred in Korea in response to Chinese influence?

Except for Buddhism, had little impact beyond the aristocracy and certainly didn't penetrate the lives of Korea's serf-like peasants.

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How does this image reflect Vietnamese national pride?

It ended a thousand years of direct China's rule, and was celebrated by the victors.

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What characteristics define this man as a warrior, rather than a hunter?

His clothes; he's wearing armor, a horned helmet while carrying a sword as well as bow and arrows.

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Based on the evidence in this image, what can you infer about the lives of elite women in Japan of this period?

The women could most likely have been considered highly important to their current society.

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In what ways did Japanese and Korean women experience the pressures of traditional Confucian teaching?

Japan's women, unlike those of Korea, largely escaped the more oppressive features of Confucian culture, such as the prohibition of remarriage for widows and seclusion within the home.

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What features of the Muslim faith would account for the appeal of the religion across such diverse populations?

The spread of Muslim faith was based off the first expansion of the Arab empire and the death of Muhammad. The second expansion was to India, Spain and parts of Africa.

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To what extent were Ibn Battua's travels influenced by trade routes and the expansion of the modern world?

He impressively traveled all over Africa and South Asia.

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Describe the changes and continuities in pastoral societies after the rise of Islam?

The first society was the Turks. Islam societies used the Turks as slaves but when the empire started to fall, Turkish slaves rose up; most of them converted to Islamic faith. The second society was the Ottoman empire. This was claimed by the Turks. It was so powerful and wealthy that few empires could match it in wealth and innovation.

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What does this tile reveal about Turkish culture after settlement in Anatolia?

The Turkish Ottoman Empire eventually made it's way to Egypt.

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What does this image reveal about the characteristics of the Ottoman janissaries as a military force?

They were the elite force of the empire, they had much power and wealth.

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How was Islam similar and different in Spain and India?

In Spain, Muslims, Christians, and Jews mixed more freely than India, even as periods of toleration fluctuated with persecution of other faiths.

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What can one learn about the transmission of knowledge in the Muslim world from this image?

The Muslim people were very adamant about learning their faith, always paying attention to the stories.

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"Islam had a revolutionary impact on every society that it touched." What evidence might support this statement, and what might challenge it?

Muslim scholars made a huge impact as the scholar in Spain were researching philosophy, mathematics, medicine optics, astronomy, botany and so much more. This prompted European scholars from all around Europe to come to Spain to learn this knowledge that Muslims studied. That is why they had such a huge effect on every society.

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Why did the Byzantine empire collapse?

The fourth crusades collapsed the empire and allowed for the Ottoman empire to seize control.

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In what ways did Eastern Orthodox Christianity differ from Roman Catholicism?

Eastern Orthodox Christianity legitimized the supreme and absolute authority of the emperor, for he was a God-anointed ruler, a reflection of the glory of God on earth. It also provided a cultural identity for the empire's subjects.

  • EOC all about bringing the church and state together, and Roman C was about separating the pope and state.

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How did links to Byzantium lead to the development of the new civilization in Kievan Rus?

This is was a place of cultural diversity that many different people lived in. In the year 998, the Prince was trying to unify all of the groups together by converting them all to Christianity and the Eastern church of the Byzantine empire.

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What can we learn about Byzantine church architecture from this image?

  • The arches and nones are Roman

  • The Byzantine empire is a descendant from the Roman empire

  • The crucifix in the center

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Why was Europe unable to achieve the same level of political unity that China experienced in this era?

Wars were common in Europe, and that influenced military skills over political and educational skills. This led to the weak states constantly being formed weak because they were always fighting with the church and nobility. This constant fight for power between the 3 factions created an unstable government.

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Based on this map, what factors account for the relative political and social fragmentation of Europe?

The Ottoman empire conquers Vienna. It allows for fragmentation, and becomes the fall of the Byzantine empire.

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To what extent did European civilization change after 1000?

The years 1000-1300 were referred to as the High Middle Ages. This was when there was a huge population boom, which helped encouraged the spread and use of land that was ultimately ignored. This led to aa decrease in serfdom as a rising population mean a more official government. Greek and Roman ideas.

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How does this image of God using a compass to lay out the world reflect Western European understandings of science and religion in the 13th century?

The compass could help them find their way. It's measuring the world. The tool is greater than just itself.

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Which of these technological and cultural borrowings would have the most significance on the development of Europe?


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How does this image illustrate the growth of commercial life?

It illustrates the 2 major elements of an emerging Western European civilization; urbanization and commercialism.

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What were the major political and cultural effects of the Crusades?

A major event was a population growth which led to more land expansion and use. The increase in travel through merchants and travelers encouraged financial growth between Europe and Eurasia.

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In what ways did the rediscovery of Greek philosophy and science affect European Christianity?

They started to change Christianity and how it was interpreted. When all of these were discovered it brought new reasonings fr the natural world instead of God deciding.

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What comparisons can you make between Muslim and European scholars?

Europeans are shown as goofing off in class, sleeping, not paying attention. Muslims are shown as learners who are interested in the content.

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Compare the features of this Temple of Jaguar to those of a Mesopotamian ziggurat. What features are similar? To what extend are they different?

  • The ziggurat and the temple have similar exterior architecture. They both have this incredible stairs that can be intimidating, saying 'don't mess with my people.' And the shape of the temples were more simplistic than the Egyptian pyramids.

  • But the ziggurat was to worship the moon god Nanna, and the temple was a tomb for the Tikal ruler, Jasaw Chan K'awaii.

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How does the Inca employment of bureaucrats compare to that of other societies such as China?

There was a main leader/emperor who ruled over all of the land. He could choose whether or not to be a descendant of god or a son of god. There were 8 different areas all of which obeyed the emperor.

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What can you infer about how the massive building projects of the Inca empire reflected the power of the state?

  • They were very smart with how they defended themselves. They built it specifically to where if you were looking at it from the right angle, you could see it, but from anywhere else, you couldn't

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What distinguished the Aztec and Inca empires from each other?

  • In the Aztec realm, they left their conquered people alone if they payed their tribute. They also had one ruler, priests, and noblemen.

  • The Incas did not, they kept bugging them for tribute. They had bureaucratic government system.

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How does this image portray the respective roles of men and women in Inca agriculture life?

Looking at the image, they work together to help plant the food they live off of to survive. Both genders work together to succeed.

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What is the problem with using the word "civilization" to describe the agricultural city-states and early empires discussed in the chapter?

Civilization is meant to be a positive word that means an advanced society that used refined behavior. The problem with this was that the societies were still developing so it would be hard to determine whether it would be considered a civilization or not.

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What is the main disagreement in point of view among historians regarding the word civilization?

If a civilization is supposed to be refined and advanced why does it use slavery, inequality between gender, class, ethnicity, etc.

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What different kinds if societies inhabited the Americas in the 15th century? How might you explain their distribution?


  • They're distributed by access to resources

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