Disabled + Mental cases
Dulce - Simile, compared to women and beggars not heroic
“Like old beggars under sacks’
“Like hags”
Disabled - Though he would look good in military attire, past tense looking back on old self
“He’d look a god in kilts”
Disabled - Alienated from society
“Like some queer disease”
Disabled - No glory when coming home
“Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer goals”
Mental - Imagery. Stark contrast to heroic soldiers offered in the myth
“drooping tongues from jaws that slob their relish”
Mental - repetition. endless struggle
“Stroke on stroke of pain”
“Slow panic”
Mental - walking dead
“set smiling corpses”
Mental - Repetition. Gore and blood
“treading blood”