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Species diversity generally __________ as one moves from the equator towards the poles.
The latitudinal range of the tropics is __________.
23.5° N to 23.5° S
Colombia, located near the equator, has nearly __________ species of birds.
New York, located at 41° N, has __________ bird species.
Greenland, at 71° N, has only __________ species of birds.
India, primarily in tropical latitudes, is home to over __________ bird species.
Tropical forests may have up to __________ more vascular plant species than temperate regions.
10 times
The Amazon rainforest is the most biodiverse region on Earth, with over __________ species of plants.
It is estimated that at least __________ insect species are yet to be discovered in tropical rain forests.
two million
One reason for greater biodiversity in the tropics is __________ time, providing longer duration for species diversification.
Tropical environments provide more __________ energy, contributing to higher productivity.
Alexander von Humboldt observed that species richness increases with __________ explored, but only up to a limit.
The equation relating species richness (S) and area (A) is expressed mathematically as __________.
log S = log C + Z log A
Ecologists have found that the value of Z typically ranges from __________ across various taxa.
0.1 to 0.2
For tropical forests, the slope for frugivorous birds and mammals is __________.
Steeper slopes in the species-area relationship suggest that larger areas tend to support disproportionately more __________.