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Northern Renaissance
artistic movement north of the Alps, late 15th century
intellectual movement emphasizing human potential and achievements
art style focusing on realistic depiction of subjects
Illuminated Manuscripts
decorated handwritten books, often religious in nature
Altar Pieces
artworks places behind altars in churches
wealthy individuals supporting artists financially
art center in Northern Europe, now France and Belgium
technique for creating depth in art, less used in the North Ren.
Albrecht Durer
German artist known for prints and woodcuts
printmaking technique using carved wooden blocks
Jan van Eyck
pioneer of oil painting in the North Ren.
Arnolfini Portrait
van Eyck’s portait depicting a wealthy couple
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Flemish artist know for peasant life scenes
Peasant Wedding
Bruegel’s painting showcasing a 16th century celebration
Baroque artist known for dramatic light and shadow
The Night Watch
Rembrandt’s famous painting of soldiers preparing for battle
Christian Humanism
movement seeking religious reform through humanist principles
Ad fontes
motto meaning “back to the source” in reform
Desiderius Erasmus
Dutch soldier advocating for biblical literacy and reform
Praise of Folly
Erasmus’ satirical work criticizing clergy’s ignorance
Thomas More
English humanist known for his book Utopia
Education for Women
More’s advocacy for women’s access to education
Abolition of Private Property
More’s idea for creating a just society