Classification is the process of organizing species based on their similarities and differences. /
Hierarchical Classification System
The hierarchical classification system groups species in a hierarchy, where higher ranks have more organisms with less similarity, and lower ranks contain fewer organisms with more similarity. /
A genus is a category in the classification hierarchy that includes species that are closely related and share common characteristics. /
Binomial Nomenclature
Binomial nomenclature is a system of naming species using two parts: the genus name (capitalized) and the species name (not capitalized), written in italics or underlined. /
Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens is the species name for humans, with Homo being the genus and sapiens being the species. /
Canis Genus
The genus Canis includes several species of canids, such as Canis lupus (Grey wolf), Canis familiaris (Domestic dog), and Canis latrans (Coyote). /
Taxonomic Tools
Taxonomists use tools like reference collections, DNA surveys, and dichotomous keys to identify organisms. /
Identification by Reference Collections
Taxonomists compare unknown specimens with reference collections of known species to identify them. /
DNA Surveys
DNA surveys involve analyzing an organism's DNA and comparing it with known sequences in large computer databases for precise identification. /
Dichotomous Keys
Dichotomous keys are tools that help identify organisms by providing a series of paired statements or questions with two possible answers. /
Serengeti Dichotomous Key
An example of a dichotomous key for identifying species in the Serengeti ecosystem. /
Limitations of Dichotomous Keys
Dichotomous keys may have limited scope, inaccuracies, and variability in organisms' characteristics, making them time
Expertise for Dichotomous Keys
Dichotomous keys require some level of expertise and familiarity with the organisms to be used effectively./
Biotic & Abiotic Factors
Factors that determine the distribution of a population can be abiotic or biotic / Biotic
steady state
when the inputs and outputs are balanced in an ecosystem, allowing for stability in population sizes and resource availability.
Examples of Biotic Factors: Availability of food
More food increases survival and reproduction, e.g., rainforests have rich food supplies; deserts have fewer species due to poor food supply / New predators
Positive Feedback
- A process in which a change in a system amplifies further change, potentially destabilizing the system (e.g., deforestation reducing precipitation, leading to more forest loss)
Worked Example: Red & Grey Squirrels
Grey squirrels introduced into a habitat led to a decrease in red squirrels due to competition for resources /
Negative Feedback
- A process that counteracts change, helping to maintain system stability (e.g., predator-prey relationships balancing population sizes)
Abiotic Factors
Non living factors in an ecosystem that influence living organisms, such as temperature, sunlight, water, and soil.
Tipping Point
A critical threshold where small changes cause a system to shift to a new, often irreversible equilibrium (e.g., Amazon deforestation leading to savanna-like conditions).
Abiotic Factor Effects: Temperature
Affects photosynthesis and metabolism / Sunlight
Ecological Niches
A niche describes the biotic and abiotic conditions and resources an organism depends on / Niche Concept
Population Interactions
Populations interact in ecosystems through herbivory, predation, parasitism, mutualism, disease, and competition / Herbivory
Parasites benefit from hosts but harm them, lowering host carrying capacity, e.g., fleas on mammals or the malaria parasite / Mutualism
Carrying Capacity
The maximum stable population size of a species that an ecosystem can support, determined by competition for limited resources. /
Population Growth Limitation
Abiotic and biotic factors prevent all individuals from reproducing, ensuring population sizes remain limited at carrying capacity. /
Human Population Exception
Humans have overcome many factors that limit population growth, allowing their population to dominate others. /
Carrying Capacity Plateau
When population growth flattens on a graph, the carrying capacity is reached due to limiting environmental factors. /
dependent Factors
Competition for Resources
Higher population density leads to intense competition for food, water, and shelter, limiting population growth. /
Risk of Predation
Increased population density raises the likelihood of predator encounters, regulating population size. /
Pathogen Transmission
Dense populations facilitate disease spread, increasing mortality rates and controlling population size. /
Negative Feedback Mechanisms
Processes driven by density
Curve Growth
Lag Phase (J
Exponential Growth Phase (J
Crash Phase (J
Curve Growth
Lag Phase (S
Exponential Growth Phase (S
Transitional Phase (S
Plateau Phase (S
Entire set of items or individuals of interest. /
Subset of the population used for data collection. /
Random Sample
Every item in the population has an equal chance of being selected. /
Biased Sample
Sample not randomly selected, leading to skewed results. /
Data collected from every member of the population. /
Advantages of Population
Accurate results as all members are included; all options/responses accounted for. /
Disadvantages of Population
Advantages of Sample
Quicker and cheaper; less data to handle. /
Disadvantages of Sample
Can lead to unreliable results if small or biased; may not be representative. /
Random Sampling
Sampling points chosen randomly, often using random number generators; avoids researcher bias. /
Systematic Sampling
Sampling points chosen in a regular pattern, prone to researcher bias if not done carefully. /
Transect Sampling
Systematic sampling along a line to study species distribution relative to environmental changes. /
Line Transect
Record species touching a line at regular intervals. /
Belt Transect
Place quadrats along a line at regular intervals to estimate abundance. /
Square frame used for sampling non
Percentage Cover
Estimated area of a quadrat covered by a species. /
Percentage Frequency
(Number of quadrat squares with species ÷ Total squares) × 100. /
Lincoln Index Formula
Population size = (M × N) ÷ R. /
Number marked in the first sample. /
Total individuals in the second sample. /
Marked individuals recaptured in the second sample. /
Limitations of Capture
Ecosystem Functioning & Sustainability
Sustainability is a fundamental property of ecosystems. /
Refers to the ecosystem's ability to maintain balance and productivity over time. /
Balanced Inputs and Outputs
In a steady
Energy, nutrients, and water entering the ecosystem. /
Energy, nutrients, and waste leaving the ecosystem. /
Ecosystem Flow Diagrams
Demonstrate the movement of energy and nutrients within ecosystems. /
Flow diagrams highlight the interconnectedness of biotic and abiotic factors. /
Tropical Rainforest Nutrient Flow
An ecosystem flow diagram showing a simplified form of the nutrient cycle in a tropical rainforest. /
Evidence of Sustainability
Some ecosystems have persisted for millions of years, indicating their resilience. /
Example of Sustainability
Tropical rainforests like the Amazon Rainforest show long
Human Impacts
Human activity can disrupt the stability of ecosystems, leading to tipping points. /
Tipping Points
Critical thresholds where small changes trigger significant ecosystem shifts. /
Clearing of trees for agriculture, logging, or urban development. /
Impact on Climate
Deforestation reduces water vapour generation, disrupting local and regional climate. /
Feedback Loop
Reduced precipitation leads to further forest loss, creating a positive feedback loop. /
New Equilibrium
Continued deforestation may lead to reduced biodiversity and altered climate patterns. /
Keystone Species
Organisms with a disproportionately large impact on ecosystem structure and function. /
Role of Keystone Species
Regulate population sizes and maintain biodiversity. /
Impact of Removal
Removing keystone species can cause cascading effects and disrupt ecosystems. /
Example: Purple Sea Stars
Control mussel populations, preventing ecosystem domination. /
Example: African Elephants
Shape savannah grasslands and promote habitat diversity. /
Human Impacts on Biosphere Integrity
Human activity has significantly impacted biodiversity and ecosystem health. /
Planetary Boundaries Model
Identifies nine key Earth system processes essential for a stable planet. /
Biosphere Integrity
Refers to the overall health and diversity of life on Earth. /
Evidence of Damage
Accelerated extinction rates indicate severe disturbances to ecosystems. /
Conservation Strategies
Aim to preserve ecosystem structure, function, and diversity. /
Habitat Conservation
Protecting natural habitats maintains ecosystem integrity. /
Species Conservation
Protecting endangered species is essential for biodiversity. /
Sustainable Resource Management
Promotes responsible resource use without ecosystem degradation. /