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Siddartha Gautama
“The Buddha”, Enlightened One
Experienced Suffering In The World
Mediated On Its Cause
The Four Noble Truths
All life is suffering
Suffering is caused by desire
One can be freed of this desire
One is free of desire by following the Eightfold Path
Eightfold Path
Outlines the principles and practices that a Buddhist must follow
To acheive Nirvana (enlightenment)
May take several lifetimes
Spread of Buddhism
Spread from India
Silk Roads & Other trade routes
Monasteries with monks & nuns
Developed into new sects due to differing interpretations
Mahayana Buddhism
Worship of the Buddha as a god-like figure
Bodhisattvas: enlightened individuals
Persons who are able to reach Nirvana
Not restricted to monkk, available to all
Theraveda Buddhism
Oldest Sect of Buddhism
Restricted to Monks
Tibeten Buddhism
Emphasized more mystical practices
Spread via Mongols
Dali Lama