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Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)-pigment
chlorophyll a and phycobillins
Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)-storgae
cyanophycean starch
Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)-cell wall
Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)-key features
prokaryotic, gas valucoles,heterocysts,toxic blooms
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)-pigment
chlorophyll a&b
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)-storage
true starch
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)-cell wall
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)-key features
mostly freshwater,evolutionary link to land plants
Rhodophyta (Red Algae)-pigments
chlorophyll a,phycobilins
Rhodophyta (Red Algae)-storage
floridean starch
Rhodophyta (Red Algae)-cell wall
Rhodophyta (Red Algae)-key features
no flagella,triphasic life cycle
Chromophyta (Diatoms, Brown Algae, Golden Algae)-pigment
cholorophyll a,c and fucoxanthin
Chromophyta (Diatoms, Brown Algae, Golden Algae)-storage
laminarin and chrysolaminarin
Chromophyta (Diatoms, Brown Algae, Golden Algae)-cell wall
cellulose with alginc acids
Chromophyta (Diatoms, Brown Algae, Golden Algae)-key features
diatoms:frustules,pennate (motile)vs centric(non motile)
brown algea:kelp and alginates
Chrysophytes & Synurophytes-pigment
chlorophyll a,c and fuxoxanthin
Chrysophytes & Synurophytes-storage
Chrysophytes & Synurophytes-cell wall
silicilous scales (synurids)
Chrysophytes & Synurophytes-key features
freshwater, mixotrophic
specialized nitrogen fixing cells,thick walls,enzyme nitrogenase
resting spores for survival under extreme conditions
gas vaculoes
help algae adjust buoyancy by filling or collapsing vesicles, allowing them to move up for photosynthesis or down for nutrients.
diatom frustule(1)
silica shell, epivale and hypovalve,raphe(motility),straie and punctae (pores for gas exchange)
tannis(brown algae)
anti-herbvory,uv protection,fertilization control,epiphyte inhibition
alginate (brown algea)
used industrially for thickening in food and cosmetics
primary endosymbiosis
cyanobacteria englufed by an ancestral eukaryote leading to the first chloroplasts (glauophytes,rhodophyta,chlorophyta)(2 membranes)
secondary endosymbiosis
a eukaryotic alga (red or green alga) was engulfed by another eukaroyte forming more complex groups( chromophytes(diatoms,brown algae,chrysophytes),cryptophytes,euglinds,dinoflagellates)(3 or 4 membranes)
brown algae,diatoms,chrysophytes,synurophytes
chlorophyll A&B
procholorophytes,green algae, and ;and plants
haplontic algae example
haploid-dominant,diploid zygote only
haplodiplontic algae example
laminaria(kelp), ectocarpus
alternation of generations
diplontic algae example
fucus(brown algea)
no free living haploid stage
diatom reproduction(asexual)
each daughter cell receives one half of the frustule-the size decreases over generations
Diatom reproduction (sexual)
formation of auxospores restores cell sizes
brown algae reproduction(ectocarpus)
isomorphic alternation of generations
brown algae reproduction(laminiaria)
heteromorphic alternation of generations
brown algae reproduction(fucus)
diplontic gametes directly from sporophyte
Diatoms in Paleolimnology(A/C ratio)
used to infer past lake conditions
Diatoms in Paleolimnology(Low A/C ratio)
low nutrients,centric diatoms dominate)
Diatoms in Paleolimnology(high A/C ratio)
high nutrients,pennate diatoms dominate
microcystin algal group
microcystin effect
liver toxin
saxitoxin algal group
anabaena (cyanobacteria)
saxitoxin effct
paralytic shellfish posioning
domoic acid algal group
domoic acid effect
amnesci shellfish poisoning
aureococcus algal group
brown tide algae
Aureococcus effect
reduces light,seagrass death
How do heterocysts function in nitrogen fixation?
they have thick walls to block oxygen,which would inhibit nitrogenase
they fix nitrogen (N₂ → NH₃) and transfer it to adjacent cells
pennate diatoms(motile)
can either have a raphe on both valves (biraphid diatoms) or lack a raphe entirely (araphid diatoms). The raphe system is used for movement in benthic environments.
What is the role of fucoxanthin in chromophytes?
a brown pigment that aids photosynthesis by absorbing blue-green light
Socio-Economic Importance of Algae (Diatomaceous Earth)
used in flitartion (beer,swimming pools),insectidies and abrasives (toothpaste)
Socio-Economic Importance of Algae
Socio-Economic Importance of Algae(Brown Algae (Alginates)
thickner in food(ice cream),cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
Socio-Economic Importance of Algae(Cyanobacteria in Biotechnology)
nitrogen fixation for agriculture,spirunilina as a protein source
Socio-Economic Importance of Algae(Forensic Investigations)
diatom frustules in drowning cases help determine location of death /,
the cortex cells are primarily photosynthetic, while the medulla cells function in storage and transport of nutrients. This structural differentiation is especially seen in large brown algae (Phaeophyceae) like kelps (Laminaria, Macrocystis).
electron microscopy
detailed morphological analysis of algal cells
used to seperate protiens, DNA or RNA based on their size and charge
used for biochemical pigment analysis
used for tracking metabolic pathways(e.g carbon fixation using c-14 isotopes)
3D structure analysis
confocoal microscopy or computed (CT) scanning
periplast covering
specialized cell covering found in euglenophytes. it consists of a corruglated plasma membrane with protein strips,muciferous bodied and mictrotubules in depressions allowing for flexibility and shape changes
periplast consists of hexagonal or rectangular protien shapes inside the plasma membrane
diatom frustules
made of interlocking epivavle and hypovavle
algae groups (Cool Cats Really Chase Giant Dark Evil Creatures)
C - Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)
C - Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
R - Rhodophyta (Red Algae)
C - Chromophyta (Brown Algae, Diatoms, Chrysophytes, etc.)
G - Glaucophyta (Glaucophytes)
D - Dinophyta (Dinoflagellates)
E - Euglenophyta (Euglenoids)
C - Cryptophyta (Cryptomonads)
two diffrent flagella:one hairy,one smooth
chrmophyta(brown algae,diatoms,chrysophytes)
two flagella in perpendicular grooves
smooth, whip like flagella
green algae,some cryptophytes
hairy flagella with mastigonemes
short flagella hidden inside a groove
linear arrangemnt of cells found in filmentous cyanobacteria and some other algae. they can break into frgaments as part of asexual reproduction
What group of algae contains cyanelles instead of true chloroplasts?
golden algae with silica scales arranged in a radical pattern. they are freshwater algae
In the order Laminariales, sperm are produced in the
Plurilocular gametangium of the haploid gametophyte stage