Give Me Liberty Chapter 4

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Oludah Equiano

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Oludah Equiano

Rare slave who survived middle passage and was sold 3 times; eventually freed; shows expansion of freedom and slavery in Britain and stereotypes of slavery

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Atlantic Ocean

Bridge between New and Old World where ideas, goods, and people (slaves) flowed back and forth

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Permisson granted from Spain to Britain, instead of Dutch, to send enslaved Africans to Spain's American colonies in Treaty of Uteretch

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Atlantic Trade

3 way trade btwn Europe America/West Indies and Africa; revolved around slavery(slavery, cash crops, goods for slave societies)

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John Woolman

Quaker abolitionist- "the idea of slavery being connected with the black color, and liberty with the white."

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New York harbor, MA, Rhode Island

profited from slave trade even though limited slavery in colonies b/c shipping of slaves

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Guns effect on slavery

encouraged slavery b/c only way for Africans to get guns is give slaves so rich African societies such as Ashanti and Dahomey grew

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Middle Passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies; 1/5 slaves died; only 5% destined for America; most went to Portugal or West Indies

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3 types of regional slavery

1. tobacco based plantations in Chesapeake (little economic scale)
2. rice based plantation in SC and GA (huge economic scale)
3. Non plantation slavery in NE/ middle colonies

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two colonies closest tied to England

VA and MD b/c exported crops, imported goods, close politics

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Shift of slavery in VA

From tidewater(coastal) to Piedmont (inland)

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Economic scale

Enlarging size of production lowers costs and maximizes profit; big scale= larger plantations

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Chesapeake hierarchy due to slavery

large planter, numerous lesser planters/ yeomen, convicts, indentured servants, tenant farmer, slaves; consolidated social elite

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Landon Carter

rich planter who prided self in whipping his slave

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Race in Cheapeake

free and white become identical; free blacks barred from voting and required to be sent out of colony; VA governor tells lords of trades that complexity ought to distinguish individuals

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Carolina Early Economy

focused on Indian slave trade w/ west indies; got slaves from Creek confederacy tribe

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another staple crop developed in Carolina that required large scale cultivation like rice

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Task system

plantation run by slave overseers; slave assigned daily jobs which allowed for leisure time

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founded in 1737 by slave abolitionist James Oglethorpe who hoped to create a colony where worthy poor of England could thrive; originally banned liquor and slaves, but quickly reversed under royal charter; turned into a mini Carolina

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Slavery in the North

slaves were a minority and mostly served as farms hand and personal servants

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Slaves identity

begin to associate selves as African American; all had desire of freedom

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Charles Hansford

white VA blacksmith whose poem describes slaves desire to reenjoy life in Africa

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African American Culture in South

spoke Gullah- mix of African roots-, created families, created african houses, much more autonomous, harsher lives

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African American Culture in the North

more mobility and access to mainstream life; performed tribal dances; less families

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Slave Rebellions

Slaves had a dangerous spirit of liberty according to Jamaican governor; many murderous slave rebellions; first rebellion in 1712 new york

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communities of fugitive slaves in Jamaica that waged warfare and won their freedom

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Stono Rebellion

1739 200 slaves from SC march to Florida for freedom

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1741 NYC Panic

New Yorkers worry that slaves planned to burn city leading to arrest of 150 blacks

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Effects of British War with French

large military, high taxes, creation of bank of England, sharpened sense of nationalism ("God Save the King" and "Rule Britannia")

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"Balanced Constitution" Principle

no man not even the king is above the law; led to checks and balances b/w House of Common, House Lords, and king

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British Liberty

Closely tied w/ Protestantism; not universal; all other countries enslaved to popery, tyranny, or barbarism

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Language of Liberty

not only did political nation speak language of liberty in Britain so too did laborers, sailors, common people

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Shift of Liberty

Liberty lost traditional definition of privileges of a distinct social class to right to resist arbitrary gov't

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A form of government in which power resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives; active participation in public life by economically independent citizens; virtue only possessed by property owning citizens

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Country Party

Republican group who opposed corrupt British commonwealth gov't ; called for election of independent men and claimed England was losing virtue due to luxury and political manipulation; gained little support

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A political ideology that emphasizes the civil rights of citizens, representative government, and the protection of private property. This ideology, derived from the Enlightenment, was especially popular among the property-owning middle classes; Lockean ideas of liberty

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Liberalism and Republicanism

both inspire constitutional gov't , limit despotic power, emphasize security of property, and transported to America

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18th century American Voting

broad suffrage for landowning men meant more people could vote than in Britain; hardly democratic since women, blacks, and indentured servants couldnt vote

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Governor Elections

Only CT and RI could elect their own governor; others colonies the governor was royally appointed

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Office holding in colonies

qualifications often required large sums of land; often wealthiest just elected

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ingrained tradition among ordinary people that those with wealth, education, and social prominence deserve to hold office

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Salutary Neglect

Britain allowed colonies to govern selves which lead to wealthy members of colonial assemblies to dominate gov't

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Assembly Power

Assemblies claim same power as House of Commons; strongest assembly in PA where wealthy Quakers ruled only unicameral legislature; often struggled w/ governors over politics; defenders of people's liberty

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Public sphere

the world of political organization and debate independent of gov't; expanded in 18th century

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Junto Club

club for mutual improvement where weekly meetings debated politics and economics; ran by Ben Franklin

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Printing Press

allowed for spread of news/political commentary and growth of literacy in colonies; Library Company of Philadelphia and Boston New were first library and newpapers

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Limit of Freedom of Speech

freedom of speech not for ordinary citizen; gov't often regulated newspapers

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Seditious libel

crime of defaming colonial officials

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Zenger Trials

Zenger was a German American newspaper publisher and printer. Assailed corrupt royal governor. Charged with seditious libel. Argued that had printed truth. Not Guilty. Implanted ideas of free expression esp of trut

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Poor Richard's Almanack

written by Ben Franklin showing influence of enlightenment

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Reasonables of Christianity

religious belief should rest on science

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British Enlightenment

Idea that social an political life should be be ran based on scientific research and experiment; passion governed man but reason should govern life

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Religious revivals

Many ministers were concerned that westward expansion, commercial development, the growth of Enlightenment rationalism, and lack of individual engagement in church services were undermining religious devotion; preached about God's anger

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George Whitefield

brought preaching to colonies about God being merciful; inspired dissenting churches; condemned by newspapers

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Great Awakening Impact

commercial society criticized; rich planters criticized for sinful behavior; slavery criticized;encouraged independent frame of mind

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Robert Carter III

Virginia planter and slave owner who freed the 500 people from his plantation after Great Awakenings

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Spanish military outposts on the west coast primarily

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Father Junipero Senna

CA missionary who spread christianity to Indians but often times forced labor upon the Indians

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1731 French novel Manon is based on

prostitute punished by being sent to Lousiana showing popular view of French colonies as a bad place for convicts

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"Middle Ground"

An area between European empires and Indian sovereignty, where villages sprang up that provided an area to live for many members of tribes and where they could live side by side, along with European traders and missionaries; Indians aligned w/ European powers for protection

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The Seven Year's War

war against French, Indians, and French that was prompted by the Ohio Company demanding French recognition of land claim in Ohio Valley; battle for imperial domination; British were losing the first two years but eventually won with the help of Austria and Prussia

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Prime Minister William Pitt

1757 British prime minister who during the seven years war provided funds to austria and prussia to enable them to hold line in war in Europe against french and ally spanish

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Result of Seven Year's War

Britain got Canada and Florida from France in Spain for Martinique and Gadalupe, and Phillipenes and Cuba; France's empire in new world came to an end; resulted in British owing everything east of MI river and higher taxation in the colonies to fund the war

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Effect of war on Indians

lost their freedom and autonomy; could no longer be diploatic since British dominated the east and owned all the land;

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Pontiac's Rebellion

1763 - An Indian uprising after the French and Indian War, led by an Ottowa chief named Pontiac. They opposed British expansion into the western Ohio Valley and began destroying British forts in the area. The attacks ended when Pontiac was killed.

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a Delaware religious prophet who was told by the Master of Life to reject European technology; Indians could regain freedom if they cooperated under a single identity; helped spur rebellion

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Proclamation Line of 1763

An order in which Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains in order to limit strife on Indian and British borders; ultimately ignored by settlers

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Effect of War on PA

shattered PA rule of Quaker elite (they were pacifists and resiged) b/c colonists demanded westward expansion and ended their alliance w/ Indians

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Albany Plan of the Union

Plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 that aimed to unite the 13 colonies for trade, military, and other purposes; the plan was turned down by the colonies and the crown;

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Colonial Identity Post 7 year's war

Americans regained sense of British nationality, Protestantism, and freedom by defeating Catholic French, but empire had vast differences and was extremely heterogenous

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What Factor Led to Distinct African Culture

1. Slavery
2. Northern Freedom
3. Resistance to Freedom

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Meanings of British Liberty in 18th century

1. Patriotism
2. possession of property
4. cry of the rebellious

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What concepts dominated colonial politics?

1. Right to vote
2. Assemblies vs Governor
3. Freedom of Expression
4. Enlightenment and Reason

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How did the Great Awakening Challenge religious and social structure?

1. criticized commercial society
2. redrew religious landscape
3. emphasized role of indv judgement

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Spanish and French Empire Development

Spain- thinly populated and weak economically but spread vastly throughout America and focused on Catholicism
France- Some large colonies and sugar plantation esp in LA but prejudiced as place for delinquents

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Growing role of identities

Blacks- united in their resistance to slavery even though they come from various tribes; develop African american identity
Indians- result of seven years war united them in fight for liberty which was autonomy to then
Settlers- regained sense of British nationalism bc they had defeated the french in the 7 year war

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Slavery in Chesapeake

Healthier climate and smaller plantations meant family centered communities and assimilated into euro american culture

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Trenchard and Gordon

Cato letters; part of republicanism; emphasized freedom of speech; people must guard their liberties; good gov't produce active citizens whose passions balance eachothers

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