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What is a brand?
A product from a known source. The name of the organisation can also serve as a brand.
What is brand loyalty?
When a person has a favourite supplier and prefers to buy products from them rather than other suppliers.
What is a trademark?
A type of intellectual property consisting of a recognisable sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others.
What are the four patterns of behaviour relating to brand loyality?
Hard-core loyals
Split loyals
Shifting loyals
What is a registered design?
An IP mark in order for designers to distinguish a products appearance form others. Prevents competitors from adopting the same styling or technologies to their product for a given period of time.
What is brand identity?
How you want the consumer to perceive your brand
What is one way for brands to stay away from bad publicity?
Diversification - when multiple brands are created under one company- so that even if one brand gains bad publicity, the others are relatively unaffected.