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the right of the resident not to have their affairs exposed or made public
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which you own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else
turning downward; range of motion exercise
prostate gland
a firm particularly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethra
an artificial body part; device that replaces a body part that is missing or deformed b/c of an accidents, injury, or birth defect
a state of severe mental impairment
involving social interaction, emotions, intellect, and spirituality; psychosocial needs include understanding, compassion, attention, strength, trust, self-esteem, and companionship
force of blood against an artery wall as it passes through
four times a days
paralysis of both arms and legs, loss of function of legs, trunk, and arms
range of motion (ROM)
movement of a joint to the extent possible w/o causing pain; distance and direction a joint can move to its full potential
a resident’s right, the act or an instance of refusing, the opportunity or right to accept or reject something before it is offered elsewhere; notify nurse when a resident refused care
process of restoring the person to their highest possible level if physical, psychological, social, and economic function
reminiscence therapy
therapy that encourages residents to remember the past; think about and enjoy their memories; recollect and tell of past experiences or events
resident centered care
approach to practice that is established through the formation and fostering of therapeutic relationships b/w all care providers, patients, and others significant to them
resident identification
any means of determining the resident’s identity; should use two identifiers to make sure you have the correct resident
resident’s bill of rights
rights guaranteed under Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) to residents in long term care; rights each resident has in any care facility such as privacy, respect, and the right to refuse treatment
process of taking in (inspiration) oxygen and expelling (expiration) carbon dioxide, the process of breathing air into the lungs and exhaling air out of the lungs
duty or obligation to preform some act or function
physical or chemical way to restrict voluntary movement or behavior; must have doctors order to apply and removed every two hours
turning a joint; range of motion exercise
contagious itch and mange w/ exudate crusts caused by parasitic mites; small raised red spots
separating a resident from others, confining a person to a certain area
sudden, transient disturbances in brain function resulting from abnormal firing of nerve impulses (may or may not be associated w/ convulsion); may cause a series of involuntary contractions of muscles
sexual harassment
comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate , repeated and unwelcomed