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Preventing communism from spreading
Act of Chapultepec (March 1945)
Right to self-defense through regional pacts
The long telegram
Argued that communism is expansionist and the US must stop it
Rio pact (1947)
Reciprocal assistance, attack 1 = attack on all
Bogota conference (1948)
Formation of the OAS
Organization of American States (OAS)
Hemispheric unity against communism
Point four programme (1949)
Promoted scientific, technological, managerial, and self-help programs in third world countries
Fall of China (1949)
Formation of the People’s republic of China
Korean war (1950-1953)
Containment of communism in Korea
Mutual security act of 1951
Increased military assistance to third world countries to fight communism
NSC-141 (1952)
Latin America seeks a political and economic programs as well as hemispheric support
The US basically bought off Bolivia to prevent it from turning radical
National security act of 1947
Creation of the CIA, NSC, and department of defense
National security council (NSC)
Coordinate national security
Central intelligence agency (CIA)
Centralized intelligence agency to collect and analyze information in a more coordinated manner
Department of defense
combines the war and navy departments, as well as joint chiefs of staff
Soviet detonation of the atomic bomb (1949)
Much sooner than expected, it also put an end to the US atomic monopoly. The USSR already has a larger army.
Yalta (Feb 1945)
Creation of the UN, division of Germany into 4 different divisions, Berlin was in the center of the soviet sector
Potsdam (July 1945)
Allowed the USSR to take reparations from their half of Germany
Truman Doctrine (1947)
Involve the US in confronting communism across the globe
Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)
Dropping supplies onto west Berlin using airplanes
Marshall plan
Infusion of capital and supplies to rebuild western Europe
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Collective security pact formed in 1949 between the US and western European nations
NSC-68 (April 1950)
Called for an increase in defense spending and military aid to the allies as well as the development of the hydrogen bomb
United Nations
Maintain international peace and security
San Francisco conference (1945)
Signing of the UN charter by 50 nations
Creation of israel (1948)
The US official recognized israel as a country
“Iron Curtain“
An imaginary boundary between east and west Europe
Churchill’s “Iron Curtain“ Speech (1946)
Churchill’s speech that placed an imaginary boundary between west and east Europe
Emergence of the the third world, competition for global allies
Crises in Greece and Turkey
Fear of communist domination in the eastern Mediterranean
Independence to the Philippines (4 July 1946)
Removal of Japanese occupation in the Philippines
Occupation of Japan
US occupation of Japan after V-J Day