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Potable water
Water that is safe to drink
A watershed is like a big bowl, water falls into it. The watershed drains into a big river, lake, or ocean.
Water quality. What does it contain?
Metals, organic material, living organism, bacteria
An artificial way of storing water
The total amount of salts found in water
Testing water quality (10)
turbidity, toxins, suspended solids, dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, odor, taste, mineral content, bacteria
Hard water
Water containing dissolved minerals that can cause plumbing issues
Process of removing water from a solution by boiling and condensing the steam
Reverse Osmosis (requires energy)
Process of forcing water through a selectively permeable membrane. Salt water is forced through a selectively permeable membrane and out comes purified water
Wearing away of the shoreline
chemical weathering
Erosion or the wearing away of rock due to chemicals in the water (acid rain/snow)
Building up of material on the shoreline
Surface movements transferring energy by the water particles moving in a circular motion
Regular rising and falling of large bodies of water
Kettle lake
a round lake formed by chunks of ice left behind and melting
deposits of rocks and gravel at the edges and ends of glaciers
a small tear-drop-shaped hills formed over moraines
snake-like structures formed by the deposition of the rocks and gravel as the glacier melts and the water drains away in a tunnel
Physical or behavioral characteristic change an organism develops, increasing an organism's survival rate
Individuals resembling each other and reproducing viable offspring
Members of a species living in a particular area
Different populations living in a common area
Algal blooms
Overgrowth of algae due to excess nutrients, affecting water quality
Variety of life forms in an environment
Alkali lakes
Form from deposits of carbonates and bicarbonates, creating high alkaline water that limits organism survival.
Physical or behavioral changes that organisms develop to enhance survival rates.
Spring thaw
Period of snow and ice melting, potentially contaminated by animal waste, oil, and road salt.
Water quality impacts
Agricultural run-off, urban run-off, habitat destruction, and sewage affect water quality.
means to observe, check, or keep track of