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Crime Scene Search Methods
Techniques used to locate evidence at crime scenes.
Link Method
Associates evidence logically; no set pattern.
Line (Strip) Method
Searchers line up and search in straight lines.
Grid Method
Two overlapping line searches for thoroughness.
Zone Method
Divides areas into zones for focused searching.
Spiral Method
Searches outward or inward in a spiral pattern.
Wheel or Ray Method
Investigators radiate out from a central point.
Measures physiological responses to assess truthfulness.
Body Evidence
Analyzed through sketches and search methods.
Glass Flask Evidence
Fingerprint analysis and gas chromatography performed.
Hair Evidence
Microscopic analysis identifies hair characteristics.
Note Evidence
Fingerprint dusting, lifting, and analysis conducted.
Phone Evidence
Digital footprint created via digital forensics.
Blood Evidence
Kastle-Meyer test and spatter height determined.
Maggots/Fly Larvae Evidence
Entomology used to estimate time of death.
Vomit Evidence
Toxicology tests for substances in stomach contents.
Hair Structure
Hair consists of cuticle, cortex, and medulla.
Outer layer of hair; smooth or scaly.
Thickest hair layer; contains pigment.
Innermost hair layer; unique patterns present.
Fingerprint Patterns
Three main types: arch, loop, whorl.
Tiny ridge details in fingerprint patterns.
12-Point Match
Standard for confirming fingerprint identity.
Instrument for magnifying small objects.
Total Magnification
Calculated by eyepiece magnification times objective lens.
Digital Forensics
Analyzes digital evidence for timelines and insights.
Components of Blood
Includes red cells, white cells, platelets, plasma.
Kastle-Meyer Test
Presumptive blood test indicating presence of blood.
Blood Typing
Determines blood type based on antigens present.
Blood Type A
Reacts with Anti-A serum; can receive A, O.
Blood Type B
Reacts with Anti-B serum; can receive B, O.
Blood Type AB
Universal recipient; reacts with both Anti-A and Anti-B.
Blood Type O
Universal donor; no antigens present.
Blood Spatter Analysis
Measures drop size and height of spatter.