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Intelligence Levels of Analysis
- Intelligence is a single trait
- intelligence is a few basic traits
- intelligence is numerous, cognitive, distinct processes
"Intelligence is a single trait"
We all possess a certain amount of g or general intelligence which influences our ability to think and learn on all intellectual tasks
"Intelligence is a few basic abilities"
Two types of intelligence: Fluid and Crystalized
Fluid Intelligence
ability to think on the spot to solve novel problem
Crystalized Intelligence
factual knowledge about the world
"Intelligence is numerous, cognitive, distinct processes"
- Word fluency
- Verbal meaning
- Reasoning
- Spatial visualization
- Numbering
- Rote memory
- Perceptual speed
- Three stratum theory
Rote Memory
learning technique where students repeat certain. facts or figures until it is instilled in their memory bank
Examples: alphabet; numbers; times tables
Three Stratum Theory
John Carroll's model which places: g on top of intelligence hierarchy; 8 moderately general abilities in the middle; many specific processes at the bottom
measuring intelligence
done by observing people's actions on tasks that require...
- Problem solving
- Memory
- Language comprehension
- Spatial reasoning
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
Test designed to measure the intelligence on children 6 yrs+
- most widely used intelligence testing instrument for children 6 yrs and older
- The test results in an overall score, plus separate scores on four moderately general abilities
Verbal Comprehension Assessments
- Example: "what is a helicopter"
- Example: "how are mountains and rivers alike?"
Visual-Spatial Processing Assessments
Block design
- Example: given an image and some blocks; asked to put the blocks together so that they look like the image
Fluid Reasoning Assessments
Picture concepts
- Example: multiple groups of objects; asked to pick an object from each group to create new groups of objects that go together
Working Memory Assessment
Digit Span
- Example: experimenter says a sequence of number; repeat a sequence of numbers; repeat a sequence of numbers backwards
Letter-Number Sequencing
- Example: experimenter says a sequence of numbers and letters; repeat the numbers from smallest to biggest and then the letters from earliest to latest in the alphabet
Processing Speed Assessment
- Example: shown a series of shapes; under each square put a "+"; under each circle put a "-"; under each triangle put an "x"
Symbol Search
- Example: shown one symbol and then a sequence of symbols; asked yes or no question about the location of that symbol in the sequence
The Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
quantitative measure of a child's intelligence relative to that of other children of the same age
- IQ=mental age/chronological age x 100
Continuity of IQ Scores
Longitudinal studies show consistency of IQ scores from age 5 onward when...
- IQ tests given closer in time
- Factors implicated for inconsistent scores: alertness and mood, family factors, changes in environment
IQ scores are strong predictors of...
- Academic achievement (school grades and achievement test scores)
- Economic success
- Occupational success
Effects of IQ scores and education on income
intelligence influences income, but so do other factors, such as education
Other predictors of success/intelligence
- Motivation
- Conscientiousness
- Social skills
- Physical and mental health
- Intellectual curiosity
- Creativity
- Self-discipline
the ability to inhibit actions, follow rules, and avoid impulsive reactions