Herp Quiz Day 2

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<p>A large aquatic turtle (8.0 to 18.5 inches in length) with a large pointed head, rough carapace (upper shell), and long saw-tooth ridged tail. Carapace (upper shell) ranges from brown to nearly black, while the plastron (lower shell) is small and creamy to yellowish. Youth have very rough shells, long tails, and light spot at edge of each marginal scute (plate).</p>

A large aquatic turtle (8.0 to 18.5 inches in length) with a large pointed head, rough carapace (upper shell), and long saw-tooth ridged tail. Carapace (upper shell) ranges from brown to nearly black, while the plastron (lower shell) is small and creamy to yellowish. Youth have very rough shells, long tails, and light spot at edge of each marginal scute (plate).

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<p>A large aquatic turtle (8.0 to 18.5 inches in length) with a large pointed head, rough carapace (upper shell), and long saw-tooth ridged tail. Carapace (upper shell) ranges from brown to nearly black, while the plastron (lower shell) is small and creamy to yellowish. Youth have very rough shells, long tails, and light spot at edge of each marginal scute (plate).</p>

A large aquatic turtle (8.0 to 18.5 inches in length) with a large pointed head, rough carapace (upper shell), and long saw-tooth ridged tail. Carapace (upper shell) ranges from brown to nearly black, while the plastron (lower shell) is small and creamy to yellowish. Youth have very rough shells, long tails, and light spot at edge of each marginal scute (plate).

Chelydra serpentina

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<p> A very large aquatic turtle (15.0 to 26.0 inches in length) with a long, hooked beak, 3 prominent jagged ridges on the carapace (upper shell), and an extra row of scutes (plates) on each side of the carapace.  Shell color ranges from brown to dark brown.   The plastron (lower shell) is small and cross-shaped.</p>

A very large aquatic turtle (15.0 to 26.0 inches in length) with a long, hooked beak, 3 prominent jagged ridges on the carapace (upper shell), and an extra row of scutes (plates) on each side of the carapace. Shell color ranges from brown to dark brown. The plastron (lower shell) is small and cross-shaped.

Macrochelys temminckii

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<p> A small, drab turtle (2.75 to 4.0 inches in length) with a smooth, oval, dark brown (to almost black) shell. The large double-hinged plastron (lower shell) is yellowish-brown with dark markings.   The bridge between the plastron and the carapace (upper shell) is broad. The Head has some yellow streaking.   Males have concaved plastrons and longer, thicker tails. Young have plastrons with orange-red spots.</p>

A small, drab turtle (2.75 to 4.0 inches in length) with a smooth, oval, dark brown (to almost black) shell. The large double-hinged plastron (lower shell) is yellowish-brown with dark markings. The bridge between the plastron and the carapace (upper shell) is broad. The Head has some yellow streaking. Males have concaved plastrons and longer, thicker tails. Young have plastrons with orange-red spots.

Kinosternon subrubrum

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<p>A small aquatic turtle (3.0 to 4.0 inches in length) with keeled (prominent in juveniles), tan to brown carapace (upper shell) sprinkled with dark spots. The large head is light brown with dark spots and dark, prominent stripes along the head and neck. Two barbels (fleshy nodules) hang down from the chin.   The pink or yellow plastron (lower shell) is small with only 1 hinge.   Males have a much larger head and females have a very short tail.</p>

A small aquatic turtle (3.0 to 4.0 inches in length) with keeled (prominent in juveniles), tan to brown carapace (upper shell) sprinkled with dark spots. The large head is light brown with dark spots and dark, prominent stripes along the head and neck. Two barbels (fleshy nodules) hang down from the chin. The pink or yellow plastron (lower shell) is small with only 1 hinge. Males have a much larger head and females have a very short tail.

Sternotherus minor

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<p>A small, aquatic, dark turtle (2.0 to 4.5 inches in length) with a smooth, domed-looking shell. Carapace (upper shell) is long and varies from light olive brown to nearly black.   The sides of the head have 2 distinct light-colored stripes and barbels (fleshy nodules) occur on the chin and neck.   The small plastron (lower shell) is yellow or yellowish-brown and has a single horizontal hinge towards the front.   Males have a longer and thicker tail.   Young have a prominent keel running down the center of the carapace.</p>

A small, aquatic, dark turtle (2.0 to 4.5 inches in length) with a smooth, domed-looking shell. Carapace (upper shell) is long and varies from light olive brown to nearly black. The sides of the head have 2 distinct light-colored stripes and barbels (fleshy nodules) occur on the chin and neck. The small plastron (lower shell) is yellow or yellowish-brown and has a single horizontal hinge towards the front. Males have a longer and thicker tail. Young have a prominent keel running down the center of the carapace.

Sternotherus odoratus

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<p> A small, colorful, aquatic turtle (4.0 to 6.0 inches in length) with a smooth olive to black carapace (upper shell), which lacks a keel. Marginal scutes (plates) have prominent red coloration.   The sides of the head and chin have yellow striping, and a noticeable yellow spot occurs behind each eye. These turtles have scutes forming straight rows across the back with light band between the plates. </p>

A small, colorful, aquatic turtle (4.0 to 6.0 inches in length) with a smooth olive to black carapace (upper shell), which lacks a keel. Marginal scutes (plates) have prominent red coloration. The sides of the head and chin have yellow striping, and a noticeable yellow spot occurs behind each eye. These turtles have scutes forming straight rows across the back with light band between the plates.

Chrysemys picta

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<p>A small, colorful, aquatic turtle (4.0 to 6.0 inches in length) with a smooth olive to black carapace (upper shell), which lacks a keel. Marginal scutes (plates) have prominent red coloration.   The sides of the head and chin have yellow striping and a noticeable yellow spot occurs behind each eye.   They usually have a prominent red or orangish stripe running down the center of the back and a yellow plastron.   Young are more brightly colored and have a slight keel on their back.</p>

A small, colorful, aquatic turtle (4.0 to 6.0 inches in length) with a smooth olive to black carapace (upper shell), which lacks a keel. Marginal scutes (plates) have prominent red coloration. The sides of the head and chin have yellow striping and a noticeable yellow spot occurs behind each eye. They usually have a prominent red or orangish stripe running down the center of the back and a yellow plastron. Young are more brightly colored and have a slight keel on their back.

Chrysemys dorsalis

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<p> A small turtle (3.0 to 3.5 inches) with an orange, red, or yellowish patch on the side of the head behind the eye.   The carapace (upper shell) is dark brown to black with the larger plates having yellowish or reddish centers. Plastron (lower shell) is dark with yellowish blotches and has no hinges. Males have a strongly concaved plastron, while females are flat. Young have distinct growth rings within each scute (plate) on carapace.</p>

A small turtle (3.0 to 3.5 inches) with an orange, red, or yellowish patch on the side of the head behind the eye. The carapace (upper shell) is dark brown to black with the larger plates having yellowish or reddish centers. Plastron (lower shell) is dark with yellowish blotches and has no hinges. Males have a strongly concaved plastron, while females are flat. Young have distinct growth rings within each scute (plate) on carapace.

Glyptemys muhlenbergii

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<p>A medium-sized, aquatic turtle (males 3.5 to 6.25; females 7.0 to 10.75 inches in length) having a low-keeled olive-green to brown carapace (upper shell) with intricate yellow lines, resembling roads or waterways on a map.   Yellowish lines, over dark green skin, occur on the head, neck, and limbs with a distinct yellow dot behind eye.   Plastron (lower shell) is light yellow, with brown borders along scutes (plates) in juveniles.  Males have longer, thicker tails, while females are larger with broad heads.</p>

A medium-sized, aquatic turtle (males 3.5 to 6.25; females 7.0 to 10.75 inches in length) having a low-keeled olive-green to brown carapace (upper shell) with intricate yellow lines, resembling roads or waterways on a map. Yellowish lines, over dark green skin, occur on the head, neck, and limbs with a distinct yellow dot behind eye. Plastron (lower shell) is light yellow, with brown borders along scutes (plates) in juveniles. Males have longer, thicker tails, while females are larger with broad heads.

Graptemys geographica

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<p> A medium-sized turtle (males 3.5 to 6.5 inches; females 5.0 to 10.25 inches in length) with a distinct large, yellowish rectangular or oval patch behind each eye.   Carapace (upper shell) is olive-green to brown with dark smudges on the scutes (plates); covered with intricate yellow lines, resembling roads or waterways on a map.</p><p>Along the backbone of the shell is a blunt keel and the back end of the shell is serrated.   Head, neck, and limbs are dark green with thin yellow lines. Yellow spots also occur below each eye and below that on the lower jaw.   Plastron is dull yellow with grayish color along the margins of the scutes.   Eyes are bright yellow with a black horizontal slit.</p>

A medium-sized turtle (males 3.5 to 6.5 inches; females 5.0 to 10.25 inches in length) with a distinct large, yellowish rectangular or oval patch behind each eye. Carapace (upper shell) is olive-green to brown with dark smudges on the scutes (plates); covered with intricate yellow lines, resembling roads or waterways on a map.

Along the backbone of the shell is a blunt keel and the back end of the shell is serrated. Head, neck, and limbs are dark green with thin yellow lines. Yellow spots also occur below each eye and below that on the lower jaw. Plastron is dull yellow with grayish color along the margins of the scutes. Eyes are bright yellow with a black horizontal slit.

Graptemys ouachitensis

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