Midterm Reviewer
A condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
Focus sa factors nga ga promote ug optimum health and prevent the onset of disease and problems associated with inactivity.
Body composition
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Muscular endurance
Body composition
ratio of your fat mass to free mass
Cardiorespiratory endurance=”aerobic fitness”
Ability of a body to efficiently and effectively intake oxygen and deliver it to your body’s tissues by way of the heart, lungs, arteries, vessels and veins.
example: running, swimming, skating
ability of joints to move through unrestricted range of motion
example: static stretching
Muscular Endurance
ability of a particular muscle group to exert force
example: planking
Ability to perform during games, and sports also called performance fitness
Ability to perform during games, and sports also called performance fitness
Reaction time
ability to move quickly and to easily change direction
Exercises to do: Ladder drills, cone drills
state of equilibrium.
Ability of the body position to remain upright.
Exercise to do: Standing on one foot, standing yoga poses
ability to execute smooth,accurate, controlled motor response
Exercises to do: playing catch, jumping rope
combines speed and strength
Exercise to do: Squat Jumps
Reaction Time
how quickly you can respond to an external stimulus
Exercise to do: playing table tennis
distance traveled per unit of time
Exercise to do: Hill sprints
Traditional Exercise Phase
Phase 1: warm up
Phase 2:conditioning
Phase 3: cool-down
Evolving Exercise Phases
Phase 1: warm up
Phase 2: conditioning
Phase 3: cool-down
Phase 4: stretching
Benefits of staying active:
Reduce your risk of exercise injury
Build self-confidence
Develops Motor skills
Health and Nutrition
Relieves Stress
Hands on Hip
Hands firmly placed above hips, palms on hip bone, 4 fingers forward, thumbs behind. The wrist must sink a little too good position for ease.
Hands on Waist
Hands are firmly placed at the smallest part of the trunk(waist), same position as on hips.
Hands on Neck
Hands at the lower back of the head, 3rd fingers touching, elbows in line with shoulders.
Hands on Shoulders
Hands on shoulders, fingers straight, elbows in line with shoulders, head erect.
Shoulders Firm
Forearms raised, elbows close to sides, hands on shoulders, elbows as far back as possible.
Hands on Forehead
Palms facing inward, elbows pulled backward and upward.
Hands on Head
Palms facing downward, fingers close together, 3rd fingers touching, elbows in line with shoulders
Arms Forward
Raised horizontally, straight line from shoulder to fingertips, palms facing each other.
Arms Sideward
Raised sideways, in line with shoulders, palms turned downward.
Arms Upward
Raised perpendicularly above head, palms facing each other, arms close to ears.
Arms Obliquely Upward.
Raised halfway between sideward and upward, palms facing front or in.
Arms Obliquely Downward
Raised halfway between sideward and downward, palms facing front or down.
Arms Bending Upward
Forearms raised upward, elbows bent as much as possible, hands at shoulder level, palms inward
Arms Bending Forward/Hands on Chest
Upper arms raised horizontally, forearms sharply bent, hands, fingers, wrists, and forearms in one line, palms turned downward.
Arms Bending Half-Forward
Upper arms raised horizontally, forearms bent at right angles, hands, fingers, wrists, and forearms in line with upper arms, palms facing each other.
Arms in “T” Position
Arms at side horizontally, elbows bent at right angles, forearms parallel to body, palms facing backward or in.
Arms in Reverse “T” Position
Arms at side horizontally, elbows bent at right angles, forearms parallel to head, palms forward or in.
Arms Thrusting
Forearms raised in front, elbows flexed, fists closed with knuckles turned down.
Arms Forward Thrust
From thrusting position, arms stretched forward, knuckles turned upward, arms parallel, elbows and wrists extended
Arms Sideward Thrust:
From forward thrust position, arms stretched sideways, knuckles turned upward, elbows and wrists extended.
Arms Upward Thrust
From forward thrust position, arms stretched upward, elbows and wrists extended, knuckles turned outward or in rear.
Stride Sideward
Foot lifted, moved two-foot length to the side, placed on the floor with the same angle as before, weight equally distributed.
Stride Forward
Foot lifted, moved two-foot length forward, placed on the floor with the same angle as before, weight equally distributed.
Stride Backward
Foot placed backward in the same manner as stride forward.
Jump to Stride Stand Sideward
Spring on both feet, lift the whole body, land with feet apart, distance about one ordinary pace.
Foot Touching Forward
Left foot lifted, toes touching the floor lightly in front, heel raised and turned inward, knees straight.
Foot Touching Sideward
Left (right) foot lifted, toes touching the floor sideward lightly, heel raised and turned inward, knees straight.
Foot Touching Backward
Left (right) foot lifted, toes touching the floor backward lightly, heel raised and turned inward, knees straight.
Heel Raising
Rise high on tiptoes, knees straight, heels together.
Leg Raising
Leg raised in front until at right angle (or a little less) with the body, knees and ankle extended, toes pointed forward.
Knee Raising
Knee raised in front to the level of the hip, hip and knee joints flexed at right angles, trunk erect, ankle of free foot extended, toes pointed downward.
Full-Knees Bending/Deep
Knees flexed until thigh and foreleg touch, knees separate as they bend, heels lifted.
Half-Knees Bending
Knees flexed until a right angle is formed, knees separate as they bend, heels lifted a little.
Full-Knee Rest Position/Deep-Knee Rest
Same as full-knees bending, hands between legs resting lightly on the floor, weight mainly on feet.
Forward Lunge:
Left (right) foot placed forward as far as possible, left (right) knee bent, right (left) leg straight, head and trunk erect, both feet flat on the ground.
Same as lunge position, distance from heel to heel is two feet.
Forward Fall-out:
Foot placed forward as in lunge position, trunk inclined forward, straight line from head to heel of rear foot, heels flat on the floor.
Forward Bending
Trunk bent horizontally forward, movement in hip joints only, head, shoulders, and trunk in alignment.
Sideward Bending
Trunk bent directly to the side as far as possible, head in alignment with trunk.
Trunk Twisting
Trunk twisted on the vertical axis without twisting the head or hips.
Bending Forward
Head falls forward as far as possible, chin drawn down and in.
Bending Sideward
Head falls sideward as far as possible.
Bending Backward
Head moved strongly backward, chin up.
Head Twisting
Head twisted sideward, attempting to bring chin in line with shoulder.
Stomach flat on floor, face down, body straight, hands at sides close to body, look straight forward.
Back flat on floor, body straight, hands at sides close to body, head, shoulders, back, buttocks, legs, and heels touching the floor.
Prone Leaning Rest/Front Support
From deep-knee-bend-rest position, stretch legs backward, trunk and legs straight, weight on hands and toes, legs together, eyes front.
Back/Supine-Leaning-Rest Position
From supine-lying position, raise trunk, hands supporting weight straight under shoulders, fingertips pointing backward.
Prone Elbow Support
From prone-lying position, body raised, supported on forearms and toes, trunk, legs, and head in a straight line.
Supine-Elbow Support
From supine-lying position, raise trunk upward, elbows, forearms, and hands resting on the floor, forearms and hands pointing forward, weight resting on seats and elbows.
Side-Leaning Rest
From prone-leaning-rest position, turn right (left), supporting body with right (left) hand, elbow straight, other arm at side, legs straight and together.
Long Sitting
Sit on the floor with legs together out in front, knees stretched, back straight.
Long Sitting Rest
Hands placed on either side, knees slightly bent.
Crook/Hook Sitting
From a long-sitting position, knees bent and slightly parted, heels together, feet flat on the floor, knees may be clasped.
Cross Sitting
From a long-sitting position, legs crossed in front, knees close to the floor, back straight.
Kneel on both knees, body at right angle to the floor, back erect, knees and heels together, toes under or stretched
Stride Kneeling
From kneeling position, open knees a little, feet together, toes under or stretched.
Stride Kneeling Sitting
From stride-kneeling position, sit down on the heels, back straight.
Half-Knee Standing/Single-Knee Stand
From kneeling position, place the other foot and knee in front, thigh at right angle to foreleg, sole of foot flat on the floor.
From supine-lying position, flex knees upward, knees and heels together, both feet flat on the floor.
From supine-lying position, raise legs and hips, elbows on the floor, hands supporting hips, legs vertical.
Forearm Stand
From prone-elbow-support position, raise legs and hips upward.
Four-Base/Dog Stand
From kneeling, lower trunk forward, place hands on the floor, weight equally distributed on knees and hands, trunk and head in alignment.
Reverse-Four Base/Bridge Stand
Reverse position of trunk in four-base, feet and hands bearing weight.
Half-Kneel Stride Standing
Kneel on left (right) knee, right (left) leg stretched sideways.
From kneeling position, bend trunk forward until head is close to knees.
Stride-Long Sitting
From a long-sitting position, open legs apart to about two or three-foot length at ankles.
Wide/Open-Crook Sitting
From crook-sitting position, open and lower knees outward, soles of feet touching, hands on knees, back straight.
Close-Crook Sitting
From wide-crook-sitting position, close legs until knees and feet are touching, feet flat on the ground, hands grasping front of knees, back straight.
Side Sitting
From a long-sitting position, bend both legs to the right (left) side, weigh mostly on the “sitting bone” or thigh of the left (right) side, and bent legs in the opposite direction of the sitting side.
Hurdle Sitting
From a long-sitting position, bend one leg, knee bent to about 45 degrees, thigh stretched sideward, inner-edge of foot resting on the floor.
Kneel Sitting
From kneeling position, sit down on the back of heels, ankles well stretched, back straight.
Leg Forward-Kneel Sitting
From kneel-sitting position, stretch left (right) leg forward, remain seated on right (left) heel.
Leg Sideways-Kneel Sitting
From kneel-sitting position, stretch left (right) leg sideward, remain seated on right (left) heel.