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Fight-or-flight response
A set of physical and psychological responses
Consequences of experiencing extreme stressors
Intrusion symptoms of PTSD
Memories, dreams, flashbacks, and distress
Diagnostic criteria for PTSD
Exposure to actual or threatened death or injury
Experience of trauma according to PTSD criteria
By directly experiencing or witnessing the event
Persistent avoidance in PTSD
Avoidance of situations or thoughts for at least 1 month
Negative changes in thought and mood in PTSD
Impaired memory, negative self-image, and blame
Acute stress disorder
Occurs in response to traumas similar to PTSD
Hypervigilance in PTSD
Heightened state of awareness and alertness
Duration for diagnosing acute stress disorder
Symptoms arise within 1 month and last no longer than 4 weeks
Environmental factors influencing PTSD
Severity, duration, proximity to trauma, social support
Adjustment disorder
Emotional and behavioral symptoms after a stressor
SSRIs in PTSD treatment
To help with sleep problems and irritability
Fear of places where escape might be difficult
Traumas leading to PTSD
Natural disasters, human-made disasters, sexual assault
Psychological factors affecting PTSD susceptibility
Pre-existing conditions and coping strategies influence vulnerability
Groups more prone to PTSD
Women and African Americans
Biological factors associated with PTSD
Increased reactivity of the amygdala and hippocampus shrinkage
Primary types of anxiety disorders recognized by DSM-5-TR
Five primary types
Goal of PTSD treatments
To expose clients to what they fear
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD
Challenging distorted cognitions contributing to symptoms
Specific phobias
Unreasonable fears of specific objects or situations
Systematic desensitization
Imagining the traumatic event to reduce fear
Difference between fear and anxiety
Fear is a response to immediate threats
Behavioral theory of phobias
Negative reinforcement through avoidance of feared objects
Categories of specific phobias according to DSM-5
Animal, natural environment, situational, blood-injection-injury
Greek meaning of agoraphobia
Fear of the marketplace
Applied tension technique
Increases blood pressure to prevent fainting
Social anxiety disorder
Anxiety in social situations due to fear of judgment
Development of social anxiety disorder
Early preschool years or adolescence
Cognitive factors in social anxiety disorder
High standards for social performance and negative focus
Medications used for social anxiety disorder
Panic attacks
Common occurrences of panic attacks without provocation
Panic disorder biological factors
Heritability and dysregulation of norepinephrine systems
Symptoms of panic attacks
Palpitations, trembling, sweating, and dizziness
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Being anxious all the time about many things
Symptoms of GAD
Excessive anxiety and worry for at least 6 months
Medications for GAD treatment
Benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants
Goal of cognitive-behavioral treatments for GAD
To confront issues and challenge negative thoughts
Emotional and cognitive factors in anxiety disorders
Intense negative emotions and heightened reactivity
Assumptions of individuals with anxiety disorders
They make maladaptive assumptions about threats
Amygdala response in anxiety disorders
It shows heightened reactivity to emotional stimuli
Biological factor associated with GAD
Deficiency of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Focus of unconscious cognitions in anxiety disorders
Detecting possible threats in the environment
Result of GABA deficiency in GAD
Excessive firing of neurons in the brain
Symptoms experienced by individuals with GAD
Chronic, diffuse symptoms of anxiety
Heritability of GAD
GAD has a modest heritability
Key symptom of separation anxiety disorder
Anxiety when separated from caregivers
Effective cognitive-behavioral treatments for GAD
Confronting issues they worry about, Challenging negative, catastrophizing thoughts, Developing coping strategies
Drugs providing relief from anxiety symptoms
Benzodiazepine drugs
Antidepressant used to reduce anxiety symptoms
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine
Fear in separation anxiety disorder
Developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear
Diagnosis requirement for separation anxiety
Disturbance not better explained by another disorder
Biological factor in separation anxiety disorder
Tendency toward anxiety is heritable
Children learning anxiety
From their parents as a response to environment
Skills taught by cognitive-behavioral therapies for separation anxiety
Coping skills for anxiety, Challenging anxious cognitions, Relaxation exercises for separation, Self-talk to calm themselves
Duration adjustment of separation periods in treatment
Increased gradually over time
Drugs used for separation anxiety disorder
Antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, stimulants
Focus of Prolonged Grief Therapy (PGT)
Structured therapy for prolonged grief disorder
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Prolonged Grief focus
Identifying and modifying maladaptive thoughts
Goal of Meaning-Centered Grief Therapy
Help individuals find meaning in the loss
Obsessions in OCD
Persistent thoughts, images, or impulses
Compulsions in OCD
Repetitive behaviors or mental acts
Time consumed by compulsions in OCD
More than 1 hour per day
Chronic nature of OCD
It tends to be chronic if left untreated
Common types of obsessions in OCD
Thoughts about aggression, sexuality, religion
Body dysmorphic disorder
Preoccupation with perceived body defects
Treatments for OCD and related disorders
Antidepressant, serotonin-enhancing drugs; Cognitive-behavioral treatments; Exposure and response prevention
Separation anxiety disorder diagnosis for adults
Symptoms must persist for 6 months or more
Goal of exposure and response prevention in OCD treatment
Prevent compulsive responses to anxiety
Core symptom of prolonged grief disorder
Intense yearning or longing for the deceased
Bereavement duration for prolonged grief disorder
At least 12 months since the death
Key components of Prolonged Grief Therapy
Imaginal revisiting, personalized grief narratives
Symptoms persistence for separation anxiety diagnosis in children
At least 4 weeks
Purpose of compulsions in OCD
To reduce anxiety or prevent situations
Behavioral inhibition in children
Causes shyness, fearfulness, and irritability
Clinically significant distress in prolonged grief disorder
The disturbance causes impairment in functioning
Exclusion criterion for prolonged grief disorder
Reaction is inconsistent with cultural norms
Higher heritability for anxiety disorders
More so in girls
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for grief
Mindfulness, acceptance, and values-based living
Age of onset for trichotillomania
Age of onset is 13
Skin-picking disorder
Recurrently picking scabs or skin places
Hoarding disorder related to OCD
Difficulty discarding possessions regardless of value
Recurrent pulling out of hair
Cognitive-behavioral treatments in OCD
Challenge excessive sense of responsibility and moralistic thoughts
Biological theories explaining OCD
Alterations in brain structure and activity levels
Cognitive theories associated with OCD
Rigid thinking and belief in controlling thoughts
Additional symptoms associated with prolonged grief disorder
Identity disruption, disbelief, emotional pain
Theories for prolonged grief disorder (PGD)
Attachment Theory; Cognitive-Behavioral Theory; Neurobiological Model; Dual-Process Model of Grief; Meaning Reconstruction Theory
Response of individuals with OCD to obsessions
They attempt to ignore or suppress them
Vulnerability-stress models in psychology
Explain how stress interacts with vulnerability; Help understand mental health disorders
Development of compulsions in OCD
Through operant conditioning