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: other
a-, an-: not or without
lys-, lyt-, lyst-: break apart
-ase: enzyme
meta-: between or to change
auto-: self
omni-: all
bio-: life
photo-: light
carn-: meat
plasm-, -plast: form
con, com, co-: with or together
pro-: before
chloro-: green
re-: again
cycl-: circle
syn-, sym-, sys-: same or together
de-: down
trans-: across
di-: apart or two
tri-: three
glyco-: sugar
troph-: to eat
herb-: plant
vore-: to eat
Vocabulary Practice Definitions
Trophic level: position in the food chain.
Word Parts: Troph-
Trophic pyramid: energy flow representation.
Word Parts: Troph-
Primary Producer: autotroph creating organic compounds.
Word Parts: Pro-, Auto-, Troph-
Primary Consumer: herbivore feeding on producers.
Word Parts: Con-, Troph-
Secondary Consumer: feeds on primary consumers.
Word Parts: Con-, Troph-
Metabolism: sum of cellular chemical reactions.
Word Parts: Meta-
Reactant: substances in a chemical reaction.
Word Parts: Re-
Product: end substances after a reaction.
Word Parts: None
ATP: energy carrier in cells.
Word Parts: Tri-
ADP: ATP breakdown product.
Word Parts: Di-
Photosynthesis: light-driven carbohydrate production.
Word Parts: Photo-, Syn-, Sym-, Sys-
Autotroph: self-feeding organism.
Word Parts: Auto-, Troph-
Chloroplast: organelle for photosynthesis.
Word Parts: Chloro-, Plasm-
Thylakoid: site of photosynthesis in chloroplasts.
Word Parts: None
Granum: a stack of thylakoids.
Word Parts: None
Stroma: fluid in chloroplasts.
Word Parts: None
Light-dependent reactions: ATP and NADPH production.
Word Parts: None
Electron transport chain: ATP creation via redox reactions.
Word Parts: Trans-
Calvin Cycle: converts inorganic compounds to carbohydrates.
Word Parts: Cycl-
Cellular respiration: energy production from food.
Word Parts: None
Heterotroph: organism feeding on others.
Word Parts: Hetero-, Troph-
Mitochondria: ATP-generating organelles.
Word Parts: None
Cristae: inner membrane folds in mitochondria.
Word Parts: None
ATP Synthase: enzyme synthesizing ATP.
Word Parts: Syn-, Sym-, Sys-, -ase
Glycolysis: glucose breakdown for energy.
Word Parts: Glyco-, Lys-, Lyt-, Lyst-
Krebs Cycle: energy transfer stage in respiration.
Word Parts: Cycl-
Aerobic respiration: energy production with oxygen.
Word Parts: Aer-
Anaerobic respiration: energy production without oxygen.
Word Parts: An-, Aer-
Alcoholic fermentation: sugar to ethanol conversion.
Word Parts: None
Lactic acid fermentation: sugar to lactic acid conversion.
Word Parts: None
Biomass: Total mass of living things in an area.
Word Parts: Bio- (life)
Detritivore: Feeds on dead organic material.
Word Parts: De- (down), Vore- (to eat)
Decomposer: Breaks down dead matter for nutrients.
Word Parts: De- (down)
Herbivore: Plant-eating primary consumer.
Word Parts: Herb- (plant), Vore- (to eat)
Carnivore: Meat-eating animal.
Word Parts: Carni- (meat), Vore- (to eat)
Omnivore: Eats both plants and animals.
Word Parts: Omni- (all), Vore- (to eat)
Trophic Level: Position in a food chain.