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Storm Hydrograph (Flood hydrograph)
A graph that plots the increase of a river's discharge during and following a storm or precipitation event.
Lag time (hydrograph)
Time between peak rainfall and peak discharge
Rising Limb (Hydrograph)
The increase in river discharge as rainwater flows into the river
falling limb/recession
The decrease in river discharge over time after the precipitation event
a wall of earth or concrete built up on either side of a river to prevent it from flooding its banks (a hard engineering technique)
Anengineering technique to straighten, widen, deepen, or otherwise modify a natural stream channel.
the action of clearing a wide area of trees - increases flood risk
This is a type of soft engineering technique. Trees are planted in the catchment area to increase interception. This is a cheap method of reducing flooding but can increase fire risk
a hard engineering technique - a barrier that runs across a river or stream to control the flow of water
bioretention basins
gravel and/or sand filtration layers beneath reed beds and other wetland habitats to collect, store and filter dirty water
bioretention swales
same as bioretention basin but designed to filter and move water (usually at side of a street); filters out coarser particles and then finer particles get filter in the basin
Dam and Reservoir
A barrier(made on earth, concrete or stone) built across a valley to interrupt river flow and create a man‐made lake(reservoir) which stores water and controls the discharge of the river - a hard engineering technique
Lag time increases
in a rural drainage basin
Lag time decreases
in an urbanized drainage basin area
impermeable surfaces
pavement or buildings that do not allow water penetration
High portions of impermeable surfaces will
increase overland flow / surface run-off and increase flood risk
ABCs of water
Singapore's model of water and flood control - it should be active, beautiful, and clean
Green roofs
covering buildings with plants/grass - reduced stormwater runoff and has thermal benefits (keeps places cool and improves air quality)