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Bystander intervention - situational factors
diffusion of responsibilities
noticing the event
pluralistic ignorance
cost of helping
Latene and Darley (1968) - outline
found we take longer to notice the smoke when we are in groups than alone.
Bystander intervention - personal factors
Jennes (1932) outline
asked participants to guess jelly beans in glass jars, participants were likely to change their first guess following the discussion within the group -> informational social influence
conformity - situational factors
size of majority
unanimity of the majority
task difficulty/ambiguity
conformity - personal factors
internal locus control
external locus of control
Asch's line study (1950) - results
one confederate → 3% conformity rate
two confederate → 13% conformity rate
three confederate → 32% conformity rate
crowd behaviour
can be prosocial or antisocial
in crowd we feel ambiguous so we tend to form a new identify, deindividuation and increase conformity and internalise views
authority members may influence others in crowd positively or negatively
milgram (1963) - aim
to see ppl would follow order of an authority figure to harm another person
milgram (1963) - results
65% continued to do it ( able to hear other person being shocked)
obedience - situational factors
proximity of the victim
proximity of authority figure
authority figure
legitimacy of context
personal responsibilities
support of others
obedience - situational factors (Milgram)
proximity of the victim - in the same room = 40%
proximity of authoritative figure - telephone = 20.5%
authority figure - ordinary = 20%
legitimacy of context - Yale uni =. - Random office block = 47.5%
personal responsibilities - two people = 90%
support of others
obedience - other factors
momentum of compliance
obedience - personality factors
external locus control - more follow orders, less responsibilities
internal locus control - more self directed less obedience
Adorno et al. (1950) said authoritarian personality..
developed F scale to test
authoritarian personality
respect for authority figures
strong belief in justice
rigid beliefs and attitudes
right-wing politics
aggressive to those inferior to themselves
Ways to prevent blind obedience
social support
familiarity of the situation
Holfing et al (1966) outline
demonstrated how doctors could order nurse to give an overdose drug to a patient without authorising prescription signature -> unfamiliar drugs
Rank and Jacobson (1977) outline
replicated holfing's study allowing nurse discuss the doctor's order to another nurse -> obedience dropped when found a supporting colleague -> drugs were well known
Piliavin et al. - year
Piliavin et al (1969) - aim
To investigate helping behaviour in a natural environment and understand the conditions in which people are more likely to help.
Piliavin et al (1969) - participants
103 trials of 4500 men and woman at subway trains of new york
Piliavin et al (1969) - results
81/103 victim was helped before model planned to help
60% more than 1 person helped
90% first helpers were male
64% first helpers where white
68% first helper was white and victim also white
50% first helper was white and victim black
Piliavin et al (1969) - conc
more likely to help someone ill than drunk as there is less cost of helping
men help more than woman as woman have lower cost of not helping since they are not expected to help
larger groups are more likely to help than smaller as cost of helping is larger - others see you not helping causing guilt
Piliavin et al (1969) - strength
field experiment - ecological validity
covert observation - no demand characterisitcs
Piliavin et al (1969) - weaknesses
ethical issues
informed consent, right to withdraw, debriefing, protection from undue stress or harm
Haney et al. year
Haney et al (1973) - aim
to investigate the psychological effects of being assigned the role of either guard or prisoner and put into a simulated prison environment
Haney et al (1973) - participants
21 male college level participants
roles randomly assigned 10 prisoners 11 guards
Haney et al (1973) - results
after a few hours guard became increasingly aggressive and controlling over prisoners
punished with pushups and verbal assault
second day prisoners rebelled and guards stopped them using fire distinguishers
study stopped after 6 days because it went out of control
Haney et al (1973) - conc
both prisoners and guards conformed to their assigned roles -> uniforms
lost identities and adopted their assigned identities
especially prisoners as they were stripped of even their names
Haney et al (1973) - advantages
recordings show they were immersed in the situation and not acting -> valid
can explain atrocities that occurred in prison situations
Haney et al (1973) - weaknesses
ethical concerns - prisoners were subjected to physical and psychological harm
stimulated prison - participants could've been acting, decreases ecological validity
only using male college students, limits generalisability since real prisons have more diverse populations
function of frontal lobe
decision making, problem solving skills, help concentrate and in difficult activity
contains the motor cortex -> voluntary movements
function of temporal lobe
hearing and understanding sound, creating speech and memory
function of pariental lobe
contains somatosensory cortex
somatosensory cortex
sense of touch
function of occipital lobe
deals with ability to see and make sense of information we see
function of cerebellum
motor skills, takes info from our senses, spinal cord and parts of the brain and combine them to coordinate behaviour
assymetrical function
two sides of the brain have different functions and joined together by the corpus callosum
corpus callosum
bundle of nerve fibres which connects brain
Roles of left hemisphere
logic, analytic thinking, language
includes the broca's area
roles of the right hemisphere
spatial awareness, creativity, imagination, artistic, expressive tasks
gender differences in lateralisation
females better at language and some say females have thicker corpus callosm
males have better spatial skills
males show more dominance for one hemisphere
gender differences in lateralisation - strengths + weaknesses
Harasty et al (1997)
Found that women have proportionally larger Broca's and Wernicke's areas, and suggested that this relates to their greater use of language compared to men.
Rilea et al. (2005)
males were better at some spatial tasks, especially those that use a lot of activity in the right hemisphere. however they did not always do better than females on the spatial tasks
Sommer et al (2002)
no strong evidence that females used both hemispheres for language tasks. Not a good explanations why girls are better at language than boys
the Central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
connects the CNS to the skin, muscles and organs in the body
carries out the actions required by the message from the brain
types of neurons
sensory, relay, motor
chemicals found that pass messages from one neuron to another across a synapse
plays a role in attention - lack causes difficulties to concentrate on tasks
mood - depressed if lack
calming - lack = stress
the gap between neurons in the nervous system
steps of synamptic transmission
An electrical impulse known as the action potential travels along the axon
The action potential triggers the release of the neurotransmitters into they synaptic gap
the neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic gap
The neurotransmitters bind to receptors in the post synaptic neuron that fit the shape of the neurotransmitter
the binding of neurotransmitter to receptors stimulates an action potential in the next neurone