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entendre le linge
to hang the laundry
passer la serpillére
to mop the floor
arroser les plantes
to water the plants
faire les courses
to go grocery shopping
to iron
tondre la pelouse
to mow the lawn
sortir la poubelle
to take out the rubbish
laver la vaiselle
to wash the dishes
nettoyer les vitres
to clean the windows
to sweep
changer la litière
to change the litter
faire le lit
to make the bed
passer l'aspirateur
to vacuum
to cook
faire la lessive/laver le linge
to do the laundry
mettre la table
to set the table
debarrasser la table
to clear the table
ranger la chambre
to clean the room
garder des enfants
to look after the children
faire le menage
to do the housework
promener le chien
to walk the dog
laver la voiture
to wash the car
faire le recyclage
to do the recycling
to tinker/DIY
ramasser les feuilles
to rake leaves
to garden
essuyer la vaiselle
to dry the dishes
laver le sol
to wash the floor
nettoyer la salle de bains
to clean the bathroom
donner a manger aux animaux
to feed the animals
enlever la poussière
to dust
vider le lave-vaisselle
to empty the dishwasher