Ecosystems & Biomes Study Island

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The picture above shows part of a savanna ecosystem. Which of the following lists only biotic components of this ecosystem?

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The picture above shows part of a savanna ecosystem. Which of the following lists only biotic components of this ecosystem?

elephant, bird, grass

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<p>A desert biome is pictured above. Which is a biotic factor that can be found in this biome?</p>

A desert biome is pictured above. Which is a biotic factor that can be found in this biome?

a lizard

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<p>Which biome is pictured above?</p>

Which biome is pictured above?

temperate deciduous forest

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Which of the following is the best example of a population?

a school of sunfish

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Which of the following is an example of a population?

a large clan of meerkats, including their offspring

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<p>A marine ecosystem is shown below.</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>Which of the following lists includes only biotic factors that could be found in this ecosystem?</p>

A marine ecosystem is shown below.


Which of the following lists includes only biotic factors that could be found in this ecosystem?

fish, sea anemones, crustaceans

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Permafrost is a layer of permanently frozen soil found in the ______ biome.


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<p>A desert biome is pictured above. Which is an abiotic factor that can be found in this biome?</p>

A desert biome is pictured above. Which is an abiotic factor that can be found in this biome?


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<p>The taiga biome that covers most of Alaska is pictured above. Which of the following only lists biotic factors that can be found in this ecosystem?</p>

The taiga biome that covers most of Alaska is pictured above. Which of the following only lists biotic factors that can be found in this ecosystem?

moss, aspen trees, weasels, and raccoons

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Savanna, tundra, grasslands, and temperate forest are examples of ______.


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All of the living organisms in a forest plus their environment is an example of

an ecosystem

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A herd of cattle is an example of

a population

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A biome is a broad category of ecological organization that includes all of the biotic and abiotic components of an entire climate region, such as a desert or a rainforest. \n \n Which of the following categories of ecological organization is broader than a biome?

the biosphere

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Which of the following shows the organizational level of a biome from the broadest category to the most specific category?

biome → ecosystem → community → population → organism

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Hardwood trees, such as oaks, maples, and birches, are most commonly found in _______ biomes.

temperate forest

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<p>The following table lists characteristics of rainforest biomes.</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>Abiotic factors found in rainforests include…</p>

The following table lists characteristics of rainforest biomes.


Abiotic factors found in rainforests include…

soil, rain, and mild temperatures.

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Which of the following best describes an ecosystem?

all the living organisms in an area and their physical surroundings

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<p>The levels of organization of the biosphere are shown below, but they are not in the correct order. Arrange the tiles in order of most specific level to broadest level.</p>

The levels of organization of the biosphere are shown below, but they are not in the correct order. Arrange the tiles in order of most specific level to broadest level.

organism → population → community → ecosystem → biome

<p>organism → population → community → ecosystem → biome</p>
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What is the name for the nonliving parts of an ecosystem?

abiotic factors

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Which of the following is the best example of a community?

bees and wasps around a group of purple cornflowers

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Which choice below lists the biomes in order from lowest average temperatures to highest average temperatures?

taiga, temperate deciduous forest, savanna

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<p>The animal species shown above would most likely be found wild in which of the following biomes?</p>

The animal species shown above would most likely be found wild in which of the following biomes?

arctic tundra

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Succulent plants, such as cacti, are most often found in which terrestrial biome?


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Which of the following is the best example of an ecosystem?

a nest of mockingbirds, some bullfrogs, a pond, and a sandy shore

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Grasslands are most likely to be described as having

prairies and fertile soil.

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A fight between a family of lions and family of hyenas over an animal carcass would be best described as competition between

two different populations

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In the _______ biome, the vegetation is so abundant and thick that almost no sunlight reaches the soil.

tropical rainforest

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<p>Which of the following are abiotic factors that can be found in the ecosystem pictured? \n</p><p>I. ocean currents</p><p>II. fish</p><p>III. plankton</p><p>IV. sand</p>

Which of the following are abiotic factors that can be found in the ecosystem pictured? \n

I. ocean currents

II. fish

III. plankton

IV. sand

I and IV only

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A wetland ecosystem is shown below.


Which of the following are abiotic factors of this ecosystem? \n

I. temperature

II. aquatic plants

III. water

IV. sunlight

I, III, and IV only

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Which biome is characterized by conifers, or trees whose seeds grow in cones?


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A pod of dolphins hunting and feeding on a school of fish is an example of

a community interaction.

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<p>A savanna ecosystem is shown below.</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>_______ is an example of a(n) ________ factor of this ecosystem.</p>

A savanna ecosystem is shown below.


_______ is an example of a(n) ________ factor of this ecosystem.

Sunlight; abiotic

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Which choice below lists the biomes in order from lowest precipitation amounts to highest precipitation amounts?

desert, grasslands, temperate deciduous forest, tropical rainforest

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Which species list includes animals that would most likely be found in a taiga biome?

lynxes, moose, and pine trees

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<p>The environment pictured above is most likely part of a ______ biome.</p>

The environment pictured above is most likely part of a ______ biome.


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The biosphere can best be defined as

any region on Earth where life can exist.

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Tropical rainforests are typically found

near the equator

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A desert with a hot, dry climate is an example of

a biome

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The large, grazing mammals typical of specific _______ biomes known as savannas include elephants, zebras, and giraffes.


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What is the name for the living parts of an ecosystem?

biotic factors

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<p>The following table lists characteristics of rainforest biomes.</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>Biotic factors found in rainforests include…</p>

The following table lists characteristics of rainforest biomes.


Biotic factors found in rainforests include…

jaguars, kinkajous, and orchids.

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Choose the abiotic factors that characterize the tundra biome.

very low temperatures, very little precipitation

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<p>Arrange the levels of ecological organization from smallest to largest.</p>

Arrange the levels of ecological organization from smallest to largest.

Organism → ? → ? → Ecosystem

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Biotic factors of an ecosystem could include which of the following?

-all types of plants

-all animal populations

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A rodent hibernates to escape the long, cold winter months of this biome. Which biome does the rodent live in?

coniferous forest

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Bison are grazers, living in herds that migrate in search of better pasture. Bison live in _____.


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Tropical rainforests have more kinds of plants and animals than any other land biome. Which of the following is a biotic factor in a tropical rainforest?

a population of decomposers

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Which of the following statements is true?

Animals are always biotic components of an ecosystem.

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<p>All ecosystems are made up of two basic types of factors—abiotic factors and biotic factors. The abiotic factors include all of the nonliving parts of the ecosystem. The biotic factors includes all of the living parts of the ecosystem.</p><p>Denise is studying an ecosystem at her local park. She makes a list of all the abiotic and biotic parts of the ecosystem. Which of the following lists would be correct for Denise&apos;s ecosystem</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p>

All ecosystems are made up of two basic types of factors—abiotic factors and biotic factors. The abiotic factors include all of the nonliving parts of the ecosystem. The biotic factors includes all of the living parts of the ecosystem.

Denise is studying an ecosystem at her local park. She makes a list of all the abiotic and biotic parts of the ecosystem. Which of the following lists would be correct for Denise's ecosystem


Abiotic - light soil rocks water

Biotic - ants grass bacteria trees

<p>Abiotic - light soil rocks water</p><p>Biotic - ants grass bacteria trees</p>
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In a rainforest, a single howler monkey would be an example of

an organism

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The Great Lakes region has both biotic and abiotic components. \n \n Abiotic components include water, temperature, rainfall, and geological features. Biotic components include all of the animal and plant species in the area. \n \n The ecosystem of the Great Lakes includes _______.

all of the biotic and abiotic components of the Great Lakes region

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<p>The map below shows some of the biomes present on the continent of Africa.</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>Which of the following most likely describes the climate of Port Elizabeth?</p>

The map below shows some of the biomes present on the continent of Africa.


Which of the following most likely describes the climate of Port Elizabeth?

hot and dry

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Which biome is dry, cold, and has frozen soil?


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A community includes

all of the living organisms in a specific place at a specific time.

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Choose the abiotic factors that best describe a coniferous forest.

adequate water, cool year round, poor rocky soil

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The Great Lakes are home to many species of fish. Brook trout, freshwater drums, lake herring, largemouth bass, northern pike, and white perch are just a few of the species that can be found there. \n \n Which of the following is an example of a population of fish that can be found in the Great Lakes?

a group of freshwater drums spawning in the same area

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Spider monkeys live in a biome with many trees. They move around by swinging from tree to tree. Spider monkeys do not build a nest or take shelter in a cave. Instead, they sleep high up in a tree on a wide branch. Spider monkeys mostly eat fruits and nuts. What type of biome do spider monkeys most likely live in?

tropical rainforest

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Which of the following is an example of a population?

all of the western diamondback rattlesnakes in Big Bend National Park

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Brian lives in a biome that is very similar to a grassland. Trees spot the landscape of this biome. This biome has seasonal rains and stays warm year-round. What kind of biome does Brian most likely live in?


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Taiben went on a walk in the forest. He saw a deer grazing in the grass, a bird eating a berry, a fish swimming in a creek, and a fox catching a rabbit. \n \n _______ is an action that has both a biotic and an abiotic component involved. \n \n _______ is an action that involves only biotic components.

A fish swimming in a creek; a bird eating a berry

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Which of the following involves only biotic factors?

a duck catching and eating a snail

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Temperate deciduous forests are characterized by trees that lose their leaves in the winter. Which of the following is an abiotic factor found in temperate deciduous forests?

cold winter temperatures

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A biologist is studying a biome that has very cold temperatures. A layer of this biome's soil stays frozen year-round. What biome is the biologist most likely studying?


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<p>Zebra mussels were introduced into the Great Lakes region in the 1960s. They are not a native species and they spread quickly throughout the area. Zebra mussels attach to other species of mussels and often kill them. They also use up resources that native mussel species depend on for survival. As a result, zebra mussels have almost completely gotten rid of native mussels in the Great Lakes region. \n  \n Based on the table below, what type of interaction do the zebra mussels have with the native mussels?</p>

Zebra mussels were introduced into the Great Lakes region in the 1960s. They are not a native species and they spread quickly throughout the area. Zebra mussels attach to other species of mussels and often kill them. They also use up resources that native mussel species depend on for survival. As a result, zebra mussels have almost completely gotten rid of native mussels in the Great Lakes region. \n \n Based on the table below, what type of interaction do the zebra mussels have with the native mussels?

community interaction

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Which of the following ecological levels of organization includes abiotic factors?


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<p>A fish tank is a type of human-made ecosystem.</p><p></p><p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>Which of the following lists only abiotic factors found in a fish tank ecosystem?</p>

A fish tank is a type of human-made ecosystem.


Which of the following lists only abiotic factors found in a fish tank ecosystem?

water, oxygen, constant temperature

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Fredrika's science teacher asked her to bring in three abiotic items from her backyard ecosystem. Which of the following groups of items should she bring?

a smooth rock, some red dirt, and an empty bird's nest

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Choose the biotic factors that characterize the deciduous forest biome.

deer, maple trees, lichen

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A particular species of lizard lives underground for much of the day, escaping the heat. This species of lizard probably lives in a _____.


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<p>(photo)</p><p></p><p>The table above lists many features of an ecosystem in the taiga biome. Based on this table, what are the biotic features of the taiga?</p>


The table above lists many features of an ecosystem in the taiga biome. Based on this table, what are the biotic features of the taiga?

bears, foxes, raccoons, birds, insects, pine trees, fir trees, spruce trees, mosses

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