mr brown english 1a
aurora falls in love with tithonus, and makes zeus grant him immortality, but he gets old and gets a screechy voice, so aurora locks him up, finally she is sick of him, so she turns him into a grasshopper - lesson learned - be careful of your wishes.
baucis and philemon
jupiter and mercury go to visit their village, but no one is hospitable other than them, so they are saved and granted a wish to live forever. they eventually turn into trees. linden and oak respectively
bellerophon and pegasus
after his successes, he tries to fly with pegasus to mount olympus, but hte gods punish him by stinging him iwth a gadfly
cupid aned psyche
psyche broke her promise to him, looking at his face, so he has to leave her. do not let your curiosity break your promises with others
jason and medea
he goes to get the golden fleece, remember your promises to people
marpessa, idas and apollo
think carefully about your decisions
minerva and arachne
weaving tool and spider, do not be arrogant
oedipus and laius and jocasta
oracle, it is impossible to escape fate
orpheus eurydice and apollo
do not look back