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3 letter code on mRNA
Genetic code
Linear array of codons
Nucleotide sequence of MRNA
61 codons code for 21 Aa
3 nonsense codons
Note: some AA have more than 1 codon that codes for it (Leu, Ser, VAL)
Some have 1 distinct: Met: AUG,Trp: UGG
Nonsense codons
Used as termination signals
Initating codon
AUG w/c codes for MET
Genetic code feat:
Non overlapping
Not punctuated
Multiple codons decode same AA
eg 6 for Serine, 4 for Val
Degeneracy resides on 3rd nucleotide of triplet
A codon codes for a SPECIFIC AA; no other
Non overlappig
Message is read in a continuous manner with NO PUNCTUATION
- code is commaless
Disad: cant detect if codon inserted can cause mutation
In nearly all except MT codons; highly conserved
5' to 3'
Direction of reading codons
TRNA: the adapter mol
Atleast 1 trna for each 20 AA
Charged trna
Trna with AA attached to it
2 step -> recognition and attachment
Aminoacyl trna synthethase
Form an aminoacyl-Amp-enzyme complex
Recognizes a specific TRNA to which it attaches the aminoacyl moiety the 3'HYDROXYL ADENOSYL TERMINAL
Ester linkage
Attachment of AA to specific tRNA
A specific codon, only a specific AA will be incorporated
A Specific AA, more than one codon may bebused
TWC arm
thymidine-pseudouridine-cystidine arm
- involved in BINDING if aminoacyl-trna to ribosomal surface at site of CHON synthesis
D arm
Impt for proper recognition of a given trna species by its proper aminoacyl trna synthethase
Acceptor arm
Loc at 3' OH adenosyl terminal
Site of attachment of SPECIFIC AA
Anticodon arm
Consists of 7 nucleotides, RECOGNIZES 3 letter codon in mrna
Anticodon loop
Sequence is read in 3' to 5' dir.
Consists of a variable base-modified-purine-xyz-pyr-pyr-5'
Codon of mrna & anticodon of trna
Wobble / wobble position
Degeneracy reside on 3rd letter on nucleotide cause unstable H bonding
-> faster rate of CHON synthesis
Transition & Transversion
Single base changes/ base subs/ point mutations
Effects of single base changes
1 Silent murations - no detecteble defect; most likely at 3rd nucleotide of codon
Wobble: least sensi to change
2 Missense : occur if diff. AA is incorporated at cor. site in CHON mols; mistaken AA
--> acceptable, partially, unacceptable
3 Premature termination with a nonsense codon
- produces omly a fraction of intended CHON mol
Framshift mutation
Deletion/Insertion of 1 nucleotide from the coding strand of a gene-> altered readingg frame in MRNA
Suppressor mutation
Can counteract some mutation effect
Suppressor + trna mol
- Formed as result if alterations in anticodon region; ABN functioning
- Capable of binding to and decoding altered codons
- NOT capable of distinfuishing bet. Normal codon and one from gene mutation
- Results in DEC viability
Protein synthesis
Initation, elongation, termination
Primary structure
Is the one being synthesized; dictated by genetic sequencs; read in 5' to 3'
A. ribosomal dissociation (40s + 60s)
B. Formation of 43s PIC
C. Formation of 48s IC
D. Role of poly a tail in initation
E. Formation of 80: IC
A. Ribosomal dissociation
- 2 initiation factors, eif-3 & eif-IA bind to newly dissociated 40s subunit
- delays reassociation with 60s subnit
-allow other translation IFs to associate with 40s
B. formation of 43S PIC
see book for steps/notes
consists of a,B,y subunits
one of the two control points for protein synthesis
initiation in eukoryotic cells.
Phosphorylates EIF-2
phosphorylated (on serine 51) by at least four
different protein kinases (HCR, PKR, PERK and GCN2) that are
activated when a cell is under stress and when the energy
expenditure required for protein synthesis would be
Phosphorylated elF- 2Ī±
binds tightly to and inactivates the GTPGDP
recycling protein elF-2Ī². Thus, preventing formation of the 43s
preinitiation comples and blocking protein synthesis.
Phosphorylates 4E*
Insulin + Mitogenic GF
C. Formation of 48S initiation complex
role of poly(a) tail in initation
3' poly (A) tail & its binding CHON, Pab1p: are required for efficient initation of CHON synthesis
- stimulates recruitment of 40s to mRNA
D. formation of 80s subunit
4F Complex: 4e+ 4G
4E (father)
- binds to m7 G CAP of 5' end of mRNA
- resp for RECOGNITION of CAP
4G (mother)
- Serve as scaffolding CHON that stabilizes complex
- also bind to eif-3(high affinity); also bind to 4a+4b
eif-4A, FB (children)
Binds and reduces complex 2ndary structure (relax CAP) through atp-ase dependent helicase acts
pab1p + eif-4g
binds eif-4E that si bound to cap structure
stabilizes mrna
Eif-3 (fam friend lol)
Links complex to 40s ribosomal unit
binds with high affinity to 4G comp of 4F and links it to 40s subunit. Keeps mRna in place
Insulin + Mitogenic GF
Results in phosphorylation of 4E on Ser209
Phosphorylated 4E
Binds to CAP more avidly -> enhances rate of initiation
CHON that Binds to inactive 4E
4E- BPI (aka PHAS-1)
4E- BP2
4E- BP3
- Protein that Binds with high affinity to 4E
-effectively inh. Translation initiation
4Eā¢BP1 association
Prevents binding of 4e&4g=4f
Cylic process
1 AA is added at a time to nascent peptide chain
Determined by: orders of codon in MRNA
Elongation process
A. Binding of amino-acyl trna to A Site
B. Peptide bond formation
C. Translocation of ribosome to mrna
D. Expulsion of deacylated trna from P to E sites
Energy used for 1 peptide bond
Hydrolysis of:
2 Atp mol to ADP
Skipped steps
Stop codon mena: UAA, UAG, UGA (A site)
Releasing factors
CHON that hydrolyze the peptidyl-trna bond
Recognizes that a stop codon is in A site
Aka polysome: multiple ribosome on mrna
No. Of polyribosome on mRNA
correlwtes with length or mRNA
P bodies
- Small dense compartments that incorporate mRNA as mRNP
- site of tanslation repression + mrna decay
when mrna are bound by specific packaging CHON + exported out of nucleus
Mechanism for rapid control
Di ko chindi na part
IRon binding CHON that prevents ionized iron from reaching toxic levels
- disruption of protein-mrna interaction -> act. Ferritin mrna -> translation
Translated more efficiently
Reovirus/ vesicular stomatitis virus
Replicate efficiently -> abundant
Polivirus, picorna
Selective advantage by disrupting the function of 4F complez
Prevents binding of aminoacyl trna to A site
Chloramphenicol, macrolides
Bind to 23s
Tyrosynl-trna analog
Inhibits CHON synthesis on ribosomes
Incorporated via A site but causes premature release of polypeptide
Inh. Peptidyl transferase in 60s eukaryotes
Presuambly binds to an RNA comp
Diphtheria toxin
Catalyzes adp-ribosylation of EF-2 on diphatamide -> inactivates EF-2
Inactivates 28s by providing N-glycolytic cleavage; remocal of a single adenine