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How do you assess PPD?
glibness/superficial charm
grandiose sense of self-worth
need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
pathological lying
lack of remorse/guilt
shallow affect
callous/lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
promiscuous sexual behavior
early behavioral problems
lack of realistic, long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
many short-term relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility
glibness/superficial charm
charm, flattery, smooth talk
grandiose sense of self-worth
inflated sense of self-importance, superior
need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
crave excitement, bored with routine
pathological lying
lie frequently and consistently
exploit others for personal gain, deceive and manipulate
lack of remorse/guilt
lack of concern of impact on others
shallow affect
normal range and depth of emotion
callous/lack of empathy
lacking empathy or concern for others
parasitic lifestyle
exploit others for their resrouces
poor behavioral controls
lack impulse control, short-tempered, hot headed
promiscuous sexual behavior
causal and short-term sexual relationships
early behavioral problems
serious behavioral problems in early life
lack of realistic, long-term goals
lack clear goals or aspirations in the future
act on impulse without thinking things through
fail to meet obligations and commitments
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
lack of responsibility; blames others
revocation of conditional release
breaches, escapes
violence risk assessment
process of speculating about violence risk posed by a perpetrator
violence risk management
process of mitigating the violence risk posed by a perpetrator
examples of motivators
defense distance
justice honor
gain profit
control change
status esteem
release expression
arousal activity
proximity affiliation
examples of disinhibitors
negative attitudes
negative self-concept
lack of emotion
lack of empathy
lack of insight
examples of destabilizers
disturbed attention
disturbed perception
impaired memory
impaired reasoning
obsessive thoughts
racing thoughts
why are psychopaths called intraspecies predators?
they seek vulnerable victims to use for their own benefit
a personality disorder defined by a collection of interpersonal, affective, and behavioral characteristics
hare psychopathy checklist-revised (PCL-R)
most popular rater-based method of assessing psychopathy in adults
semi-structured interview
review of file information to assess interpersonal and behavioral features of psychopathy
three-factor model of psychopathy
arrogant and deceitful interpersonal style
deficient affective experience
impulsive and irresponsible style
antisocial items (including in PCL-R)
advantages of self-report questionnaires
able to measure those attitudes and emotions that are not easily observed by others
easy to administered, quick to score, and relatively inexpensive
not necessary to worry about interrater reliability since only the individual is completing the score
some include measures of response styles to detect faking good or faking bad
psychopathic personality inventory-revised and self-report psychopathy scale
a self-report measure of psychopathic traits
what are the 4 factors the self-report psychopathy scale measures?
erratic lifestyle
callous affect
interpersonal manipulation
criminal tendencies
antisocial personality disorder
a personality disorder characterized by a history of behavior in which the right of others are violated
pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood
label used to describe a person whose psychopathic traits are assumed to be due to environmental factors
examples: poor parenting and other environmental factors
adversarial allegiance
tendency for forensic experts to be biased toward the side that hired them
when do psychopathic offenders start their criminal career?
younger age and persist longer
engage in more violent offences
sexual sadism
people who are sexually aroused by fantasies, urges, or acts of inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on another person
antisocial process screening device (APSD)
observer rating scale to assess psychopathic traits in children
hare psychopathy checklist: youth version
rating scale designed to measure psychopathic traits in adolescents
parent-child interaction therapy
an intervention that focuses on increasing the parent-child relationship using positive reinforcements and teaching positive parenting strategies