Adiabatic cooling
most clouds results from what of most air? Adiabatic cooling or adiabatic heating
Low altitude clouds
have bases between the ground in 2 km (6500 feet).
Mid level clouds
have bases between 2000 m (6500 feet) and about 7000 m (23,000 feet).
High-level clouds
have their bases near the top of the troposphere, between about 5000 m (16,500 feet) and 14,000 m (45,000 feet).
the most common type of high-level cloud, and are completely made of ice crystals.
the least common type of high-level cloud, look like tiny puffs of cotton in the upper troposphere.
thin, translucent clouds that spread like a sheet similar to altostratus clouds.
lenticular cloud
clouds that look like a lens and often form above or around mountains.
these clouds form when water vapor from the airplanes jet exhaust quickly condenses and freezes into ice crystals.
forms when water vapor condenses in the layer of air near the ground.
if the fog visibility is greater than 1 km there is another name used for this it is called what?
Shallow fog
radiation fog that extends no more than 2 m above the ground
Radiation fog
Valley fog
radiation fog found in valleys
advection fog
forms when winter warm humid breeze blows over a cold surface .
Sea fog
this is a type of advection fog thatforms over cold ocean water.
Upslope fog
this fog is often found along the slopes of mountains and can cover a large area for several days. Usually forms when moist winds blow up a gentle slope, as their climbs , it expands and adiabatically cools creating fog.
Freezing fog
if fog develops in air that is below freezing the water drops which will become supercooled resulting in what kind of fog?
mixture of smoke and fog is known as what?
Photochemical smog
thick brownish haze that results from complex molecules released into the air by cars, buses, trucks ,lawnmowers, some factories, and even certain trees and other plants.