Algaes commonly seen in the California subtidal
Laminaria setchellii
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Postelsia palmaeformis
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Pterygophora californica
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Costaria costata
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Macrocystis pyrifera
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Nereocystis leutkeana
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Stephanocystis osmundacea
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes) —> Family Fucales
Egregia menziesii
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Dictyoneurum sp.
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Desmarestia sp. [acid kelp]
Phaeophyceae (brown algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Gastroclonium subarticulatum
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Mazzaella splendens
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Gloiocladia / fauchea
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Fryeela gardneri
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Prionitus sp.
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii
Rhodophyceae (red algaes)
What order are the “kelps”?
Kelp reproductive cycle
How to tell 2 Dictyoneurum species apart
Eisenia arborea
Laminaria farlowii
Alaria marginata
• Low intertidal - very shallow subtidal
• Short stipe with very long blade, wavy margins
• Obvious midrib
Pleurophycus gardneri
• Wavy on either side of midrib
Undaria pinnatifida
Sargassum horneri
Phyllospadix scouleri
Zostera marina
Haplontic (zygotic) meiosis
The only diploid cells are zygotes
ex: fungi, some green algaes
Diplontic (gametic) meiosis
The only haploid cells are gametes
ex: animals, Fucales brown algae
Haplodiplontic (sporic) meiosis
Alternation of generations
ex: most seaweeds
Major algae groups
Archaeoplastida —> reds, greens, and plants
Chromista —> browns, diatoms
Ulva (green algae)
Chondracanthus corymbiferus (red algae)
Silvetia compressa (brown algae)
Erythrophyllum delesserioides (red algae)
Botryocladia pseudodichotoma (red algae)
Halosaccion glandiforme (red algae)
Polyneura latissima (red algae)
Cladophora columbiana (green algae)
Fucus distichus (rockweed)