Analyzing Categorical Data

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Frequency Table

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Frequency Table

shows the number of individuals having each value

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Relative Frequency Table

shows the proportion or precent of individuals having each value

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Bar Graph

Shows each category as a bar. The heights of the bars show the category frequencies or relative frequency

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Pie Chart

shows each category as a slice of the “pie”. The areas of the slices are proportional to the category frequencies or relative frequencies

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Two-way table

a table of counts that summarizes data on the relationship between two categorical variables for some group of individuals

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Marginal relative frequency

gives the percent or proportion of individuals that have a specific value for one categorical variable

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Joint relative frequency

gives the percent or proportion of individuals that have a specific value for one categorical variable and a specific value for another categorical variable

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Conditional relative frequencies

gives the percent or proportion of individuals that have a specific value for one categorical variable among individuals who share the same value of another categorical variable (the condition)

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side-by-side bar graph

displays the distribution of a categorical variable for each value of another categorical variable. The bars are groups together based on the values of one of the categorical variables and placed side-by-side

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Segmented bar graph

displays the distribution of a categorical variable as segments of a rectangle, with the rea of each segment proportional to the percent of individuals in the corresponding category

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Mosaic plot

a modified segmented bar graph in which the width of each rectangle is proportional to the number of individuals in the corresponding category

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helps us know if the value of one variable helps predict the value of the other

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