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Active Voice
the subject of the sentence performs the action
Indirect reference to something (usually a literary text, but it can sometimes be plays, songs, historical events) with which the reader is supposed to be familiar
A character that is used by the author to speak the author's own thoughts; when an author speaks directly to the audience through a character
A brief recounting of a relevant episode. Develops point or injects humor
The word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun
Art or literature characterized by a realistic view of people and the world; sticks to traditional themes and structures
Comic Relief
When a humorous scene is inserted into a serious story, in order to lighten mood somewhat
Word choice, particularly as an element of style. Different types of words have significant effects on meaning.
Ordinary or familiar type of conversation
Rather than the dictionary definition (denotation), the associations suggested by a word
The literal, explicit meaning of a word, without its connotations
The diction used by a group which practices a similar profession or activity
Language or dialect of a particular country, language or dialect of a regional clan or group, plain everyday speech
A term used to describe fiction, nonfiction, or poetry that teaches a specific lesson or moral or provides a model of correct behavior or thinking
A folk saying with a lesson
A story, fictional or non fictional, in which characters, things, and events represent qualities or concepts. The interaction of these characters, things, and events is meant to reveal an abstraction or truth
A terse statement which expresses a general truth or moral principle. It can be a memorable summation of the author's point
The deliberate omission of a word or phrase from prose done for effect by the author
A more agreeable or less offensive substitute for generally unpleasant words or concepts. Sometimes used for political correctness