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Self Determination Theory
3 basic needs that are required for psychological wellbeing and long term motivation
our own actions, volition, choice
need to feel mastery over one’s experience and behavior, effectiveness capability
the need to have a sense of belonging and connectedness to others
Autonomous Motivation
when a person engages in a behavior because it is consistent with their intrinsic goals and comes from within, more likely to initiate and persist with the behavior without need for external reinforcement
Controlled Motivation
when a person engaged in motivation for extrinsically referenced reasons, will persist until external motivator disappears then will discontinue
i don’t know why i exercise, no motivation
i exercise because i will be punished if i dont, controlled by reward or threat
i exercise because i will feel guilty if i dont, acts to avoid negative feelings, takes in values but doesnt idenitfy
i exercise because it helps keep me fit, motivation by appreciation of valued outcomes
i am an exerciser and this is what i do, behavior is volitional to achieve personal goals
Intrinsic Motivation
i exercise because its fun, participation for fun/enjoyment of activity
Vallerand’s Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
assumes that motivation is differntiated across 3 levels of generality, autonomous and controlled motivation differ according to contextual and situational levels
Global Factors
overall motivation, likes football cause it’s fun, enjoys engineering
Contextual Factors
in context motivation, goes to tutorial simply because it’s required but doesn’t like it
Situational Factors
smaller situational motivation, substitute teacher in tutorial so students given more autonomy
Key Points
humans are motivationally complex, a person’s motivation will change based on context, top down and bottom up effect where global motivation will affect contextual motivation and contextual motivation will affect situational motivation and vice verse
Autonomy - Autonomy Support
provide choice and rational, provide non-controlling supportive feedvack, allow opportunities to take initiative, avoid controlling statement and guilt inducing criticisms, prevent ego involvement from taking place
Competence - Structure
set optimal challlenges, provide timely informative and non-judgmental feedback
Relatedness - Involvement
acknowledge the person’s feelings and perspectives, get to know the participants, recognize their interests/disinterests
research methodology - limited constructs tested, is autonomy always the goal?