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True or false: Freud and Bernes’ ego states are biological entities
They are hypothetical constructs used to explain the function of personality
Name 3 theorists of the analytic movement.
Freud, Adler, Jung
(FAJ - f all jews)
What are the 3 main things that make psychodynamic therapy different from psychoanalysis?
Less sessions per week, Is done face-to-face, Does not use the couch
Talking about difficulties to purge emotions and feelings is a curative process known as _______ and/or ________.
Catharsis, abreaction
What does the technique of interpretation do for clients?
Helps them understand their unconscious processes.
Ex. Charlie saying he had a dream that he was a hotdog and his mother was a donut. Therapist interprets it as having mommy issues
When a client becomes aware of a factor in their life that they once did not know, they experience _________.
Rudolph Dreikurs made this first contribution to private pracatice
Group therapy
Frederick C. Thorne is associated with which type of psychology?
Which theorist is associated with associationism, (which is linked to behaviorism)?
John Locke
What is a counseling paradigm?
A treatment model
Paradigm - paradise - Coldplay get no models bc they boring
What is the technique of concreteness?
Asking a client to specify vague language
Ex. “My life sucks,” followed by, “What about your life makes it suck?”
What is the technique of using a directive?
Telling a client what to do
What is congruence?
A counselor’s ability to be their authentic self
True or false. Empathy is behavioristic.
What does an EEG monitor?
Brain waves
EEG - EGG - Egghead - brain
What does an EMG measure?
Muscle tension
Eh my god - look at them muscles
What does the Yerkes-Dodson Law teach us?
A little bit of anxiety is good for performance
(I.e., Anxiety curve)
How do sympathy and empathy differ.
Sympathy implies pity, while empathizing means you can experience the other person’s pain
Ex. “Oh you poor thing,” vs. “I know how it feels to get dumped”
When are some of the most valuable statements said in therapy?
After silence
When a client and therapist make a written agreement, they are engaging in ______.
When was the peak period of competition between the various schools of psychology?
Late 1960s
According to Bandura, learning occurs though _____ and _____.
Observation and modeling
True or false. Supervisors, or consultants, often use one modality for consultation.
A counselor’s SOCIAL power is related to _____, _____, and _____.
Expertise, attractiveness, and trustworthiness
When a counselor responds on the same level as the client, they are engaging in _____ empathy.
When a counselor does not convey understanding of the client, they are engaging in _____ empathy.
When a counselor’s response adds to a client’s understanding, they are engaging in _____ empathy.
A counselor’s HUMAN RELATIONS power is related to _____, _____, and _____.
Empathy, Respect, and Genuineness
(ERG - erg it’s hard to connect on human levels these days)