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Babies born to English- speaking parents, listen to phonemes within an unfamiliar language (Hindi)
Can hear the difference between phonemes not used in English at 6 months, but lose this ability by 10-12 months
Pre-schoolers were shown a picture of a made-up animal, which was referred to as "a wug"
Then the children were shown a picture of two of the creatures and the experinenter said "Here are two of them, what are they"
Children as young as 4 readily answered "wugs"
Showed that children didnt have to be familiarized with a term to generalize the English plural
In tasks that require participants to take the experimenter's perspective, infants and young children who are monolingual perform worse than those who are bilingual—and also worse than those who, while not bilingual themselves, live in multilingual environments
Bilingual children are also better at adapting to the needs of their communication partner than monolingual children
Living in a diverse linguistic environment may attune children to the challenges of communication—and the need to take others' perspective in order to effectively communicate—in a way that monolingual environments do not.
Completely new language that has been evolving over the past 40 years
An education program brought hundreds of deaf children together in two schools in the city of Managua
For most of the children it was their first exposure to other deaf people
Teachers didnt know formal sign language and neither did the children, only simple home signs used to communicate with their families
Children began to build on each others existing informal signs, constructing a relatively crude, limited sign language
What happened next was astonishing. As younger students entered the schools, they rapidly mastered the rudimentary system used by the older students and then gradually transformed it into a complex, fully consistent language (NSL)
In 1957 reviewed Verbal Behavior -Simple associations can't explain word learning
We know rules for combining words that dont seem to be learned -Children do not get good language input from other people- the stimulus (input) is poor
We must have some innate capacity to organize language in order to learn it
-Book: Verbal Behavior by B.F. Skinner -We learn a language the way we learn everything (according to behaviorists) B.F. Skinner
Associate words with things
Hear phrases, repeat them, get corrected
Only need basic learning mechanisms
Same as rats & pigeons, just more neurons
Theories must explain how language users are able to generalize byond the specific words or sentences they have been exposed to .
The ways in which various accounts handle these facts differ along two key dimednsions:
The first dimension is the degree to which these explanations lie within the child (nature) versus within the environment (nurture). The second dimension pertains to the child's contributions: Did the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying language learning evolve solely to support language learning (domain specific), or are they used for learning many different kinds of things (domain general)?
using gestures while you speak.
Infants often produce recognizable, meaningful gestures before they speak recognizable words
Infants who gestures more have larger vocabularies when measured months or even years
when young children first start making marks on paper, their focus is almost exclusively on the activity, with no attempt to produce recognizable images
By age 3 / 4 most children begin trying to draw pictures of something § Development of drawing people
By age 4 children understand a key difference between writing and drawing, namely that written words correspond to specific spoken words, whereas drawing can correspond to many different words
During earlier periods of our evolution, it was crucial for human survival that children learn quickly about animals and plants.
Children throughout the world are fascinated by plants and animals and learn about them quickly and easily.
Children throughout the world organize information about plants and animals in very similar ways (in terms of growth, reproduction, inheritance, illness, and healing)
Causal reasoning in infancy
Blicket detector experiment
Causal reasoning during the preschool period