Chapter 11: Impact of Computing (Big Idea 5)

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World Wide Web

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World Wide Web

which was originally designed for scientists to share their research.

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Multifactor authentication

________ is another layer that is increasingly used.

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computational artifacts

Anything a person creates, including any ________ created with a computer, is the intellectual property of that person.

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Strong passwords help

________ block those trying to gain unauthorized access.

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Targeted advertising

which can be helpful for businesses and consumers when looking for a specific item.

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human viruses

Computer viruses are like ________.

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Social media

which has been used to stream events across the globe, sometimes helps to change history.

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Online learning

is an education model that would not be possible without the tools of communication available via the Internet.

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Crowdsourcing allows people to share information and ask the "crowd"

anyone who accesses the site-for feedback, to help solve problems, find employment, or for funding

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Machine learning and data mining

help find patterns and identify insights in data, leading to new innovations.

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Programmers and businesses

try to identify potential negative uses, but it is seldom possible to think of all the ways other people could use an innovation.

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Cloud computing

offers new ways for people to communicate, making collaboration easier and more efficient.

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Digital Divide

includes access to information, knowledge, markets, and different cultures.

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which is intentional or unintentional prejudice for or against certain groups of people, shows up in computing innovations too.

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Artificial intelligence

programs are used more and more in ways such as screening applications of job candidates, determining if a person merits credit to purchase a house, and locating what areas have more crime.

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allows people to share information and ask the “crowd”— anyone who accesses the site—for feedback, to help solve problems, find employment, or for funding.

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Peer-to-peer networks

exist that are used to illegally share files of all types.

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Creative Commons

provides a way for creators of software, images, music, videos, and any computational artifact to share their creations with stipulations for sharing and permission from the author clearly indicated.

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Digital data

is easy to find, copy, and paste, so ensuring you have written permission from the creator or owner is important.

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Open-Source Software

is software that is freely shared, updated, and supported by anyone who wants to do so.

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Open Access

The sharing of huge amounts of public data by organizations, such as the U.S. government, provides the opportunity for anyone to search for information or to help solve problems.

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identify trends for marketing purposes and help businesses determine what and where customers are searching for their products and their competitors’ products, how long an item sits in a virtual shopping cart, and when people buy.

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Data mining

is a field of study that analyzes large datasets.

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Any information that identifies you

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Digital footprints and fingerprints

are the trail of little pieces of data we leave behind as a sign of our presence as we go through our daily lives.

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has a global impact because now anyone from anywhere can attempt to gain unauthorized entry to someone else’s computer, data, servers, or network.

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Strong passwords

help block those trying to gain unauthorized access.

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Multifactor authentication

is another layer that is increasingly used.

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Phishing attacks

create e-mail and/or websites that look a legitimate hoping to induce a person to click on the malicious link.

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Keylogging software

is a form of malware that captures every keystroke and transmits it to whomever planted it.

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is the writing of secret codes.

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is converting a message to a coded format.

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Deciphering the encrypted message is called

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Public key encryption

uses open standards, meaning the algorithms used are published and available to everyone and are discussed by experts and interested parties and known by all.

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