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Ostracize (v)
To exclude from a group; to banish
Syn: Avoid/Reject
Ant: Adopt
Eclecit (adj)
Selecting from various sources
Syn: Broad
Ant: Limited
Truncated (adj)
cut off; shortend
syn: Curtailed
Ant: Extended
Antagonist (n)
Syn: RIval
Ant: Ally
Scintillating (adj)
Syn: Glistening/Shining
Ant: Dim
Parachial (adj)
Limited in scope
Syn: Narrow
Ant: Unique
Emulate (v)
To try to equal by imitating
Syn: Copy
Ant: Clash
Inconsequential (adj)
Trivial; Unimportant
Syn: Important
Ant: Vital/Crucial
Prudent (adj)
Syn: Wise
Ant: Unwise
Zealous (adj)
Ethusically devoted
Syn: Fanatical
Ant: Content.
Obdurate (adj)
Hard; unmoved by persuasion.
Syn: Stubborn
Ant: Flexible
Scrupulous (adj)
Cautious in action; careful.
Conform (v)
To become similar; to act in agreement.
syn: Agree
Ant: Differ