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An illegal act punishable by law
Behaviours that go against social norms and values
Societies most important moral rules, those essential for maintaining civilised behaviour
summary offences
Less serious offences like speeding. Dealt with magistrates
Indictable offences
More serious offences like murder. Tried in Crown court with more severe sentences
3 types of deviance
Eccentric or bizarre
Positive sanction
Rewards for behaviours that society approves
Informal sanctions
Used for unspoken rules, when broken others show disapproval in informal ways
Social contract
All sanctions are forms of social control it is ways society control our behaviour
formal sanctions
Enforced by police, courts or schools and has punishments when breaking the law or rules
Actus reus
A guilty act
Mens rea
A guilty mind
strict liability
Mens tea is not needed as the act is enough on its own to convict someone
Assault is not a crime if done in self defence as long as the force used is reasonable for the situation
social definition of crime
The ways in which people in society determine behaviour to be acceptable or not
3 factors affecting peoples attitudes towards crime
Difference in peoples views and perceptions
Lack of law enforcement
Some acts are deemed criminal by society but aren't against the law
what are key factors in determining sanctions
Seriousness of the offence and subject matter of offence
4 Court sanctions
Custodial sanctions
Community sentences
Conditional discharge
Absolute discharge
3 police sanctions
Conditional caution
Penalty notices for disorders
custodial sentence
Use of prison or young offender institute in order to deter crime being repeated in the future and punish the offender. Length of sentence depends on crime
Community sentence
Served in the community. Offender may have a probation order or compulsory arrangements can I also involve a fine
Conditional discharge
Offender doesn't go to prison but they have conditions to meet like not taking part in any other criminal activity or they will be convicted.
Absolute discharge
They might be guilty of a crime but punishment is not deemed suitable
Usually given if it is a first offence or if the offence is considered ‘minor’. Nit a criminal conviction but not good for character profile
Conditional cautions
Caution including an agreed change like attending an addiction clinic. Failure to comply will lead to being charged with original crime.
Penalty notices for disorders
Offenders pay a penalty fine for minor crimes