St. James
Romanesque Art
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
The burial place of St. James the Great, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ
Romanesque Art
St. Lazare, Autun, France
Artist: Gislebertus
Depicts scenes from the last judgement, serving as a moral reminder for worshippers.
Vision of St. Hildegard of Bingen
Romanesque Art
Liber Scivias
Meant to show the way to salvation for humans, the world, and the cosmos
Facade Sculpture
Romanesque Art
Cathedral, Modena, Italy
Artist: Wiligelmus
Meant to illustrate the Book of Genesis and convey the ideas of medieval society
St. Étienne
Romanesque Art
Caen, France
Bayeux Tapestry
Romanesque Art
Likely commissioned by Bishop Odo
Tells the story of events surrounding the conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy
Abbey Church of St. Denis
French Gothic
Paris, France
Royal burial site, center of French royalty
Cathedral Notre-Dame
French Gothic
A symbol of Paris’s political, economic, and cultural power
French Gothic
Rebuilt after 1194
Sainte Chapelle
French Gothic
Used to house relics from the Passion of Christ
Röttgen Pietà
German Gothic
A focal point for contemplation and prayer